I heard this news last week when I was out of town and I don't have the time back then to check the news and read the newspaper to understand what's the fuzz about the North Korea's plan for a test missile launch. I stumbled a twit news link and read the article and news from Interaksyon, after reading the article, I got worried and prayed that North Korea government change its mind and never launch that test missile.
read the full story and news here at : Govt gears for North Korea rocket launch; warns vs. sea, air travel
The news article says that between April 12-16 ay 7am to 12pm, that's 6am-11am here in Manila, the test launch will commence and it will fly near our country and according to our National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council that there will be refrigerator size debris will fall in the northern part of Luzon in land and also in the sea. This will be very unexpected which part of land or sea will it fall, they advice already that people should not travel by air and sea and wait for further announcement if its safe to travel. Let's hope that the missile debris will land in the sea and nobody get hurt during the aftermath. Also there's a possible threat if the missiles carry some nuclear component such as plutonium and uranium, it will be a disaster if those debris that are contaminated by radiation will fall in our land and sea. Another problem that our government to face. If someone get hurt here in our land....I'm sure crime does not pay.
let's pray and hope the missile test launch will be cancelled.
Also the sad part here is that our military defense don't have the capability to deflect the missile in the sky and our government just rely on other countries' capability in shooting the missile from the ground, I think the only weapon we have here is prayer and rosary..
geez...I'm starting to get paranoid about this news
Let us also hope that the missile will explode in the sky and not on our ground.
This scene reminds of that Twilight Zone episode " A little peace and quiet"a remake of a classic episode titled "Stopwatch", a married woman found a watch and she uses it in stopping time, in the final minutes of the episode, she used the stopwatch to stop the time again when a nuclear missile was launched and it will hit their hometown where they lived in.
watch the series below
This is part 1, just scroll on the sidebar of the video to watch the other parts