Here’s my photo recap and compilation of my best moment last December 2012, it’s the end of that year and everyone are so freaking afraid about the Dec 22, 2012 Mayan apocalypse rumor, but I’m glad that we are still here and alive and the Mayans are so wrong about their prediction embedded in that calendar stone.
It’s hard to describe my life that month because the months is the busiest and tiring month ever, I didn’t enjoyed the holiday season and every year it is so boring already. Maybe next time, I ‘ll stay away from home and go to another place just to feel the holidays. Also, the best moment for me in saving me away from the boringness is with my son, he’s growing so fast and he’s starting to learn already, really fun to be with him and I just want to be close to him every day.
I have also some short adventures during the month of December 2012 like going out of town again, meeting new people, eating new food, discover new places and also getting sick.
I think 2013 should give me another inspiration to make my life more colorful. My Lady love is already weird and I should shower her some champagne soon, or if not,I'll just buy a new one. hahahaha.