In this generation, we just stay home, relax in a nice hotel or resort, travel around the island or just stay at home surf the internet, post a status update, practice photography or watch movie at home.
Thanks to the internet and cable tv! our holy week is lively and our relaxation and reflection is already exciting.
Here I share my top 10 movies to watch this holy week. These movies are the ones that I grew up with through the years and I like to share it to the old and new generation of netizens who are searching ways to find yourself with God and also be entertained.
Buy the movie, rent it...or torrent it or watch it in YouTube
In no particular order
Top 10 must watch movies this Holy Week in the Philippines 2013
1. The Ten Commandments ( 1956)
Its one of those movies that airs in our local channels every holy week, during the 80's and 90's, I always caught this movie airing over and over again. Its one of the best epic movie of all time, its all about Moses and his journey with the Ten Commandments.
Its one epic movie what you should not miss.
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2. Passion of the Christ ( 2004)
Its the modern movie and take about the life of Christ, its the most controversial movie directed by Mel Gibson, the movie took the boundary of realism and gory visuals. Many people cried when they saw this in the big screen and I can tell, because I was in the cinema and almost everyone are crying during the crucification of Christ.
Just a what if... what if they have a 3D version ? hmmm
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3. Jesus Christ Superstar ( 1973)
Another classic to watch, heavily aired during the 80's and saw glimpse of it during the 90's as it was aired during midnight, not sure if this movie is perfect for couch people who wants to enjoy the story of Christ in a musical number. One of the best musicals and this concept is already adapted by some live shows.
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4. Dogma ( 1999)
I watched this movie after I became a fan of Kevin Smith's Mallrats and Chasing Amy. Its a comedy movie about the religious belief of many people. What if two angels from heavens come down to Earth and then want to strike a war with God ? hmmm.. a little help with humans and relative of Christ to save our world is the best solution to trick the two angels to surrender.
Oh..the hotness Alanis Morisette appeared at the end of the movie as.... God
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5. Angels in the outfield ( 1994)
Perfect movie for the family! yeah!!! if you have a kid who don't believe yet about Angels, you can show this movie to them. Also for the new generation, you'll see a kid version of Joseph Gordon-Lewitt as the lead character. See the angels from the heavens help the Angels baseball team win and believe that there is a God.
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6. The Da Vinci Code ( 2006) and Angels and Demons ( 2009)
The movie that is almost got a ban here in our country because of its story that can whip the belief of a Catholic person, but its just from a novel and base on studies that decoded some hidden messages by Leonardo Da Vinci. Its hard to believe but what if you make a story from it?
expect an adventure and be a Sherlock Holmes like Tom Hanks here in Da Vinci Code.
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After the success of the 1st movie, the movie producers released a part 2, starring Tom Hanks again, here you will find out about the importance of a God particle and how the Illuminati prevents it to be released in public that can destroy Catholicism.
Its one freaky movie and a tidbid info about Science vs. Religion
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7. Kakampi ko ang Sto Nino ( 1979 )
I saw this movie when I was a kid, I think I saw this movie in channel 9, it was aired back in the 80's, its a cute movie starring the little celebrity kid Nino Muhlach. He helps people and then fight demons with a help of the Sto Nino. I love this film when I was a kid, super memorable, because here at home, we own a Sto Nino image.
It freaked me out at the end of the film, when a Sto Nino Image showed on screen smiled and blink its eyes.
Also...Nino Muhlach as a kid back then is cute and you'll remember how you look like back in the 80's ahhahahha. Yes, Im cute noon.
watch this video about Sto Nino de Romblon -
8. Jesus of Nazareth movie ( 1977)
A classic and epic movie about the life of Jesus, its one of the successful film that air regularly on TV during holy week. I didn't even know that this movie runs at 6 hours!!!! thanks to YoutTube that I re-watch some scenes again. Its the best movie ever for Holy Week. The only movie that left me crying at the end of the movie.
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9. Little Buddah ( 1993)
I have seen this movie once and it was one of the memorable movie for me. I'm not familiar with Buddah and its life, but you'll see here how is very important in the world of Buddism.
I think I should pick up this movie again.
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10. Himala ( 1982)
I just saw this movie on TV only during the 80's. Saw it for two times and its a master piece movie that was brought back to this new generation, they remastered it and re-released it on DVD and also in the big screen. I'm so glad that they stick to the original and never plan for a remake.
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So oks ba ito check list ko for movies to watch this holy week?
Got your own list ?
share it here via comments below!