I took my 2nd bite again here in Zarzuela restaurant located in the East Wing of Shangri La Plaza, the feeling of eating here again is like eating for the very first time. I attended a round up meeting and lunch with my blogger friends and its funny that this resto is the only establishment that brought us back together in one place and one time for the first time hahaha. Dining with your “tropa” is fun and it brought us a lot of laughter and also the act of sharing our status in the online and offline world.
So while dining, I took a time to take photos and also blog it here. I arrived an hour late so I just missed the other two meals that they ordered here in Zarzuela restaurant. I already featured this in my blog before and you can read my review and feature here about Zarzuela restaurant - http://azraelsmerryland.blogspot.com/2013/07/zarzuela-restaurant-in-new-east-wing-of.html
After some months..we meet again Zarzuela. They are located at the 6th level of East Wing of Shangri La Plaza, Its kinda less crowded here because some of the stores around the level are not yet opened, even if there are restaurants booming at the 5th level, I see that in the future of this 6th level, it will be more crowdy because there’s an access going near the cinema and also to other stores.
We also met again the owner of the resto and then he told us what we think of the food today and also what we can suggest for their restaurant, for me the food is no problem, but I told them they should put some photos of the food around the resto, but I realized that it might ruin the interiors and ambiance of the resto, it will no longer look a homey feeling but more on a carinderia feeling, but its nice that they installed a photo of their new menu infront of the resto.
Pinangat (P229)
My friends already finished their food and ate most of the meat, but I noticed that my favorite Pinangat is still left almost untouched, I’m so happy that I ate this again, it’s a food delicacy in our province in Quezon, I always hoard this whenever I visit Tayabas and Sampaloc, Quezon.
Krispy Binagoogan (Php 359)
Pork and pig's skin cook with Bagoong, it tastes like caldereta with bagoong, pork is soft and the pig's skin is so soft and others are crispy. The tastiest food that I tasted today. Its an original cooking style here in Zarzuela.
Krispy Pitaw (Php 419)
A crispy flakes made from the meat of a Quail bird. According to their menu this is an Ilonggo delicacy
Savor Maruja
Tasted this before, and the traditional maruja is just plain deep fried banana with floury coatin, but here in their version it’s a little bit sosy..haahaha. fried sliced banana top with chocolate syrup, caramel and vanilla ice cream.
Savor Maruja
I love to take this home, but the ice cream won’t wait
best served when the banana is freshly fried
Piaya con Helado
new dessert in pinoy style! Its my firs time to eat a piaya with ice cream on top, they said that their piaya is supplied by a top piaya maker, not sure what it is, but then I joke on my friend that we can buy one from the grocery and add ice cream. Its an idea that I’ll copy from Zarzuela hehehe. thanks!
Funny..we are here infront of everyone and we still communicate via Facebook hahahah
Myke and Ryan are checking out something… hmmm Myke Patrol ?
here they are in random order!!
Azrael of azraelsmerryland.blogspot.com
Alex of recyclebinofamiddlechild.com
Enzo of juanmanilaexpress.com
Ruth of mommywrites.blogspot.com
Rod of rodmagaru.com
Ryan of anakngpasig.com
Myke of mixofeverything.blogspot.com
John of kumagcow.com
I love to post their menu here, sometimes its helpful to me if ever I want to check out their menu online and I can go back here and re-read my blog post about Zarzuela.
I want to go back here with my family…hopefully before my sister move to a new home, I just want to share this new resto to them, because we are a big fan of pinoy and Spanish-inspired cuisine. When I always hear or mention this resto, Zarzuela always reminds me of “family and friends” happily eating together.
Visit Zarzuela restaurant in 6th level of East Wing of Shangri La Mall
They don’t have yet a Facebook or Twitter page, but watch out for it and I will help to get the word out.