The food are so lovely in photos, that’s why I’m posting it here in my blog, I forgot to ask the waiter guy which Solaire Resorts restaurant that served the food of the event that day. I love the set up and also their desserts.
The buffet meat section is almost empty when I arrived, I was late and I went to the buffet area as soon as I arrive and before I grab my own seat at this event in the grand ballroom of Solaire. I talked to one of the media guest who are in the buffet section lining up with us and told me that the event haven’t started yet, because everyone are still eating their lunch.
When I heard that news, I got a time to visit the food in the buffet and got the idea to take a pic of it, I used my Olympus EPL-1 here for the food snapshots.
Above is lovely… yummy.. Sansrival cake with berries on top
At first at thought that this is a Rambutan friend ahhaah, but I learned that it is a Lychee fruit
hmmmm is it a Blueberry cheese cake???
ohh the meat section of the buffet!
Roast beef!!!! almost gone in seconds.
It looks like a Lechon Kawali… Japanese style
I discovered late that they serve maki rolls that day, I went back to the buffet are my 1st plate
Salmon sashimi strip!!! oh so lovely!
Plate dispenser in the grand ballroom of Solaire
Its just a scene at the buffet area.