Last July 13 was the 1st treatment for my elbow injury, the ortho guy injected some steroids in my elbow were the pain is present, he told me that I have the tennis elbow injury, you can read my experience here at http://azraelsmerryland.blogspot.com/2014/07/treatment-for-my-elbow-injury.html
After 3 weeks, I can say that my elbow is not fully recovered, the pain from the inner bone of my elbow is gone but the doctor said that I should rehab it and not lift any heavy stuff with my right hand. I did some research about tennis elbow injury and treatment with steroids and they say that it will not give you 100% recovery and it only lessen the pain to help you recover the torn tendons.
I think a one year rehab for my elbow is needed, but I’m very sad that I felt that my body starts to deteriorate, now I can’t go heavy work out, ride a bike for too long, and prepare myself to a mountain hike, I can no longer tire myself because the pain comes back when it felt that my arm and elbow is very busy. Even in using the laptop, I have to take a break for one to three hours just to rest and make sure that my elbow is in top shape.
In the morning, I exercise my arm after waking up, I also lift some object and see if I can still feel pain. There are times that raising a mug with coffee is painful and using a “tabo” in taking a bath is a problem, but I can see that the pain is gone and I can lift them in a short period of time.
And with steroids, the ortho doc said that the side effects of is have a big appetite, and I can tell that its real and I can’t even stop munching and eating here at home. I was alarmed when I noticed myself that I ‘m always hungry and want to eat anything. I can’t even go tummy full during my 1st week after the steroids injection, but then after the 2nd week, I manage to control myself and not eat more, but my tummy rules and the only way to let it stop go blurbing is to eat or drink something here at home.
Its kinda weird to have this in me, but it’s a challenge for me to fight and also live a new life with this injury.
Anyone here experienced the same injury and treatment ?