I was referred by my friend Ron from the PBNET to Brian of Furry Pinas, Ron said that Im the only one can understand the nature of the event since I'm co-organizing Toycon for 17 years. Then I met Brian last year and I learned that they organize this convention and event for the Furries.
Furries, is a new fandom community that loves and are a fan of talking animals in different media and also they love to wear animal character costume. I got the idea when Brian showed me some photos of themselves in costume, and I recognized them because they visited Toycon many time and their costume are so cute and adorable, because of the full body furry suit and big animal heads.
I became a consultant for Brian's event, and he asked for advises what and how to do marketing their event, from last year to the final weeks before their event, we did a Toycon-Furry Pinas collab, we supported them via promotion and also invited the Toycon community to visit their event in SMX.
May and June was a toxic month for us, but we're glad that our event is over and we won!
For a small victory dance, Brian invited me and the PBNET team to have an early dinner and we talked about the journey that we have finished for 2018.
But then....2019 is coming, so another collab feat is brewing. so watch out for it!

Thanks Brian for the dinner!
congrats also to your Furry Pinas, we're looking forward for 2019 and lets do the collab again!