one more shot !!
I have to post this quick before I ran out of energy to share my experience again on the 3rd day of Neil Gaiman in Manila.
Me and my sis hang out the whole day until the mall starts to close, we have to hang out there just to avoid some annoying people who likes to stay over at home. Its like avoiding a pineapple that I used to hate.
But the energy will be used later for the arrival of my mommy from Chicago, and hoping that I can see Neil Gaiman for the last time at the airport. Coz I'm going there to pick up my mom.
check us out! we are seated near the front!
Ok ok ok..It all began during my 1st class in school and then after attend my second class in school, I went to Music Museum to attend the forum. Camy txted me and said that there were lot of people already, so I decided to line up and walked up on the theater and went seated on front, a seat for media, saw some friends there, and then at the crowd, I saw Camy waving her hand, and she reserved one seat for me. thanks to her!
So I missed the 1st part of the forum, they were talking about the Philippine Comic scene and after that they introduced Neil Gaiman on stage. Lots of cameras flashing everywhere, I felt dizzy after that when going back to Gateway. They started the forum immediately.
Camy taking over to ask my question. look at that smile! Neil is talking to her
They were asking for questions already from the audience,,there I got excited coz I want to ask Neil my ultimate question. And I decided to let Camy do the honors of asking Neil in the microphone. It was a good timing to ask - Is it possible that Pinoy comic artist can work/collab with you in a comic project. (my original question is posted here).
And at last he answered -a positive yes!, "it is possible, problem is I'm only one!, and I'm not Grant Morrisson" after he said everyone laugh. and so so..he reveals to us his upcoming project like an another series for 1602 and his plan to release the 20th birthday issue for SANDMAN on target year 2008 or 2009. He reveals to us his upcoming project and hoping that Filipino artist can be the penciler or inker for that project.
After answering that questions, -- I feel super happy, coz my 6 month old question has been answered at last, I was supposed to email that to him, but I'm glad my plan worked! and thanks to Camy for teaming up with me and having those Gaiman happy joy joy later at the Gateway.
at nearly 3pm we ran off to Gateway as soon as we can just to make it on time and see the action, Ariel, Nelz and Marc was there who lined up at 6am, and congrats to them to have the priority number of 5,6,7,8. Upon arrival they are in the front of the line.
Neil came a little late,coz he need to rest for awhile after doing those tv-radio interviews and after his arrival he cooperates with the staff on giving his idea on how to make the signing in order, after that he went outside the Fullybooked store with a microphone talking to fans and letting them see him for once and begins to entertain some questions. we actually went out of the main gate doors of Gateway towards nearly the MRT entrance to entertain a question from a SANDMAN fan-reader.
with actress Snooky Serna, she gave her email to me just to send her this photo.
Then the signin began, but VIP's are given a chance first. then later on they proceeded to line up all those people who got the numbers. It was a signing a-thon for Neil. He said that the signing is a nightmare, coz it was too many for him and The good part is - he finished all the fans totalling to over 500, with and with out numbers.
All fans got lucky this time, coz Neil made a way to speed up the signing so that all in the line can get his signature and can meet him face to face. I just cant believe that he has lot of fans here, the line was up to the outside building of Gateway Mall up to Aurora Blvd, almost near to Goldilocks.
Ya! i was looking at these, and people thought it was a Harry Potter signing ahahaha
People walking by are looking asking who was that guy signing, some people thought that it was J.K.Rowling and some people thought that he was an actor or a music artist. we laugh and we just let them find out for them selves who the Gaiman guy is..
After the signature,it was a time for the staff of the event to have Neil's signature, I was having a second thought of not to line up, but I just got there and let Neil sign my UKLINK magazine, Neil Gaiman cover, I got that from the Forum. and took our photo and last photo of Neil in my camera.
I'm getting lazy already to type. coz im tired, but here are some photos with caption that can narrate the whole story.
thanks to Maita Quesada of Fullybooked for organizing it.
thanks to his boss Jaime Dezza for the full making this event big.
Susan Arcega of the British Council for bringing Neil here, Adrian's mom, also Adrian designed that UK Link magazine and the forum invitation.thanks dude! Valerie Peramide of Gateway Mall for being there to assist, all volunteers and staff of Fullybooked. and fans of Neil Gaiman. and also to my friends,new friends and to Lace for allowing me to attend the Forum.
check out this blog for she posted my photo right directly in her blog just to share her experience of the event. thanks Loiuse
Fantasy stories are postcards from the Mythical World
-Neil Gaiman
The Last 3 people on the Line!!
Neil stands up while signing sometimes, just to stretch down
Neil Gaiman on a 2-min. break
whoaa Ariel! hope this one comes true hahaha
more Robert creator of Shirley's Pet comic strip
I asked the guys to do drawings or caricature for Neil.and here are the stuff they did. I also asked Arnold Arre to make one, coz he and Cynthia didn't make it to the numbering line.
Ariel Atienza's caricature of Neil
Patrick's fan art of Sandman
Arnold Arre's Neil Gaiman looking through a mirror glass
yup Ask Arnold on what happen ! ahhaah!
Damn...I miss half of my life on this event! Shyet!
I'll go back to UK to meet Neil...and I wonder what Neil did to Arnold in the washroom? Hehehehe.
yo kita !
di ko nalagay kasi antoks na ko nun update ko na lang later ehhehe
hi louise!!!