Ford Philippines is having another year round campaign for drivers education and road safety here in our country. The Ford Driving Skills For Life, a campaign for safe driving and also conduct a drivers education for first time car buyers, that also includes for first time drivers. I observed that this generation is having the worst driving nightmares, so we need to do something and be strict in traffic rules and also give a good drivers education to old and new drivers, its easy to learn but its hard to be a responsible driver. We need to put our mind to it and be responsible in driving. Obeying traffic rules, wearing your car seatbelt, limit your speed and many others are one of the simplest things that we should follow and practice. But every problem has a solution and that solution is to breed a new generation of responsible drivers.
If you are one of the 1st time car buyers, then read this giveaway from Ford, because the prize :
1. Ford First Gear book - a 96 page instructional booklet all about driving, car maintenance and road safety, a perfect book and guide for 1st time drivers and also for old time drivers.
2. A driving seminar - it’s a seminar conducted by professional drivers to 1st time drivers
1. Ford and Azrael's Merryland will be giving away 10 copies of First Gear book, plus a seminar about driving and road safety.
2. To enter, participants must post here in my comments board a 50 word description on their TOP 3 considerations when buying their first car and a photo of their favorite Ford car nameplate (Post the photo in your Facebook walls and link it here)
take note: 1 entry per person only
Post your entry in this format:
Top 3 considerations when buying your first car:
Facebook wall link with Ford Car Nameplate photo:
pick one Ford car nameplate here:
All-New Focus
All-New Ranger
3. The 10 "most thoughtful out" answers will get an exclusive First Gear Book and driving lessons from a professional TRS driver.

4. End of contest will be on September 18, 2012. Announcement of winners will be on September 21, 2012.
5. This contest is applicable for participants within Metro Manila only.
6. Prizes will be sent to the winners’ door step.
7. Winners will be contacted via email or Facebook.
Here’s our face imitating a reaction in collision course during a car crash…
don’t be like this…. learn the basic of driving and also road safety.. get the exclusive Ford First Gear book here!
and my favorite Ford is the Everest, I love SUV cars and this white Everest is first seen here in a car show years ago and it becomes the apple of my eye.