its time to talk a bath !
yahoo ! just slept all day, and woke up 8pm, and while surfing the net, forgot that i did'nt take a bath. freezing here at home. its cold here in Pasig. im wearing jogging pants and warm sweater every night.
just put up a new tag board in here and also check out the show in Azwebcam, featuring the dancing bouncing boy Ryan Orosco doing the running man during the C3convention last december 2002.
maybe im sick..or got a fever..thats why i feel cold here at home..hmm...
il try to take some aspirins...hmmm
still..i feel not comfortable in my life..i feel empty....i feel numb....
hmm....just wanna get out of this world !
hope aliens come here and abduct me !
hmm..lots of new movies coming . and i haven't dated any of the girls in my list...damn.
Bad Boys II
Finding Nemo
movies in Cinemanila
whoa! have to save more cash for this gimiks. maybe il just go by myself.
Now...reading others blog is now a habit for me
(azrael now looking at the TV..watching Heart Evangelista's MTV)
Nightmare on Azrael's Merryland
last night got another nightmare...ex girl friend jennifer arqueza pop ups in my dream again.
dream was that i found out that she had a new bf now....i got his name...KOI
also saw his face...its a chinese looking guy...or something like that.same hair with me and i found the name of the guy
from the password account of jennifer, yup she's like that. last time it was my name in her password. now its a name of the other guy..gez....i hate when i have dreams like that..
also visit my other blog . Azrael's Magical Twilight for having a nightmare last night again.that might taken my life...
It can't rain all the time lyrics
from : The Crow Soundtrack (1993)