just got home and been to the artists den meeting while ago. and i forgot to bring my freebies jpop poster calendar to all the male attendees..aeaehh...maybe on the next meet up il bring the Takako poster.
thats me during the meeting. i got bored and started doing YOGA
Manikang Ludz and Pol
thanks to Ariel for the pics visit his photo blog
Trick or Treat!
wow.i got invited to a halloween party by Asong Makulit Production, its a indie pinoy comic group who will publish soon their indie comics.
and will go to megamalls event and the New Worlds party! which will il do the hosting/emcee gig.
i dunno what costume will i wear. but im planning to go out as a Matrix dude or a The Crow or a demonic master showman ahhahhea
here are my Halloween Party sked :
Oct 26 - Asong Makulit Prod. Halloween Party
Oct 31 - Megamall Megastrip Halloween Party, with Weareanime booth
Oct 31 - New Worlds Alliance Scifi and Fantasy Halloween Party
Oct 31 - Club Chill Halloween Party, with the Joint jazz band.
oh man...i am becoming Tim Yap.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and next week it will be a busy week for me, for I will start with my group for our 2 shooting of a film movie. and preparation are going too tight.
Sadako lands in Phil. TV
heya! korean horror flick "The Phone" is now showing in theaters. and The Ring jap movie will air its first Philippint TV Premiere on GMA 7. and man...i wish its not a Filipino dubbed version. or...if it is in Filipino dubbed..hhehhe..il record it and maybe in the future il show it to my own kids if they will not sleep early.
jmusic issues!
Lizzie, a jmusic friend of mine, called me and she said that she got her Morning Musume 2003 calendar for only $US 12. oh man. thats a jackpot. original price of that calendar is 2000 yen. and she invited me in her place to take pictures with ahehaheh..man..i wish i can grab those poster calendars.
And she told me that Jrock artist Gackt got married to a Hyde-look-a-like Korean girl.aheheehehee..sorry to those who can't relate.(Hyde is a male vocalist of a popular jap rock band Larc en Ciel)
TATU at iba pa
a friend online send me a pic of a wet shirt concert of TATU pics. oh man...why me!!! she said that its okay to send it to me coz it didnt come from her. oh great! Lesbians again...
just watched "Me against Music" MTV premiere of Britney and Madonna. and goshi! i cant forget the scene they made during the MTV music awards live performance with the live kissing! oh! Lesbians act again !!
word of the day:
sa akin grade 6