i woke up late afternoon and almost forgot all the meetings i must attend, coz of the night gig in Millenia, i over slept. and i was 3 hours late for the Star Wars Phil meeting. then after that we went to Comic Quest to complete our mission that day. and take a peak on the 5th issue of Superman: Birthright.
during the meeting. Gary Mayoralgo showed us in his laptop pc movie trailers of : Harry Potter 3, Punisher, Alien vs. Predator, Gothika, Troy, Shattered Glass..all files in Quicktime movies...
then we made schedule for our next film project, and we will be shooting this monday night inside Equitable bldg. the whole night.
Light Saber Training
After the meeting i joined them in a light saber training in Rizal Stadium, its a great activity, but the training is hard and need a lot of work to complete all the techniques for the saber fight. We use golf club sticks for the saber, and during the training we tried to play around the Dojo. doing some head spins, hang ropes, karate action, then the training was headed by jedi master Oneal and Sith lord Emil, then we left and went to Megamall for the Revolutions movie outing.
Zion Party
Hec, Ricky, Lyndon (on pic)
Rej, Oneal, me, Gabe, Miao (not on pic) After the movie and off to the party
After the movie, while we are inside jedi master Oneals Pajero. we joked around and find a real Zion rave party. we visit the club called "THE MATRIX" in makati, we check out the place for the moment and there are lots of foreingers in there, then we decided to go to Giggers. me and Lyndon told them about the Giggers and they are curious about it. then we went there and check out the place and then they like it !!!
We went to the club in a matter of seconds, and there..we partied ! and got some boozes and party like Zion !!!! man....i told them this is not Zion Party..its the Hell Club of the Merovingian. coz er...there are some strippers and ledge dancers...which is quite normal inside the bar..and all of the crowds are in teens-kiddies..age 15 and above..there i met 4 girls and this girl named Edz partied and jam up with me until the end of the party...then....the girl asked for my number, and i gave it to her and the situation is kinda upside down...the girl is picking on me! she's asking all these stuffs to me...and she said that she's 22 yrs old...
but on the looks she's only 18 yrs old..and she said it was her bday..
hey! that supposed to be my line !!!! mukhang baligtad...ako pa ata yung nabola at na pick up at hinatid ng chick palabas ng club after the party.
then all of us went home with the smile in our face..enjoyed the geek days
from Star Wars to Matrix
now i have to sleep for I will attend 2 meeting this afternoon and might go to Star City with my sister. and er...call Edz on the phone.