check out this picture we took last sunday 11-16-03. at the back of the carbonara monster. its Mr. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg having their meeting inside a coffe shop in Glorietta.pic taken by me and Ariel.
Shooting again
yup thats right im off to Ortigas to meet my fellow crew for our 1st day of shooting of another short post the updates later.
its busy time again....busy bee me!
Those who didnt reach me at home via phone. just try again you might catch me at home sleeping.if theres no one answering, means that im outside and having some work.
thanks to all my readers and hope you all enjoy my adventures and stories that posted here in my blogsite.
il be reformating my blogsite for better surfing pleasure and watch out for more photos and snapshots pics of people everywhere.
word of the day:
add me to your friendster list.
Azrael - will not win any prize