still im fighting for my life coz of this terrible cough and fever. but i still manage to escape for just a half day for our jamming and it was a hell of a day and night to me..lots of unexpected happenings.
i miss G4
we made a meet up with the rest of the band in Starbucks Glorietta 4. Rainboi Thomas said that our meet up will be 2:30pm. so i arrived in Starbucks at 2:30pm and waited them, at first i thought i was late..and damn..i waited for almost one hour and Aids, Luna and TJ arrived at the cafe 3:30pm, then after that still no sign of Rainboi Thomas, we waited until 4:30pm then we went to Joon's place and go on the jam with him.
It was a wonderful jam ...Luna on guitars, TJ on violins, Aids on Lead Guitars, Joon on Drums and me on bass...i love bass !! astig Ibanez pa pala fave brand of bass guitar.we played lots of covers like Cranberries, U2, Guns n roses.ya right just for fun, and some local music..but we got a chance to form our own tunes..astig talaga pag may kasama violins..
Faiye !!!
I met Faiye in G4 when i saw her playing the percussion freak. she approach me and then i got a chance to get her number when she told me how to contact me..she said that we can see each other in Friendster but then i gave my contact number and head up to Luna to borrow her cell just to get Faiye's number, the new couple yada yada Luna and Aids followed me when i get the number of Faiye, She will watch Ju-on (The Grudge) in G4 Cinema. Faiye is a great dancer in Dance DAnce Revolutions and Dance Mania. check out her a fan !!! yay!!!!!
Then she invited me to their CSA school fair next year. its a campus tour again !
Rock Awards
after our jamming at Joon's place, Annette Ortiz of Fatal Posporos band txted Joon and she invited us to go to the NU Rock Awards in World Trade CEnter.she offered free 5 tickets for the 5 of us...and its our lucky night ! after our meal..we head up to the venue and watch the Awards night!! wohooh !!!! im inside the Rock Awards for free !! astig !!!
The event has started and we arrived i think one hour late, and we saw Ely Buendia's 'The Mongols'played and then 2 sexy chicks Andrea Del Rosario and Michelle Bayle presented some awards....after the awardings.they said it was Michelle Bayle's Andrea gave Michelle a one hot na hot kiss lips to lips frenchie kissing ! !! im melting here!
i screamed as i saw the close up of their action in the projective big screen.
Another chick action after the awards.they passed tru the front of our place..ah gez..wild chicks in action, then Maui Taylor, Mylene Dizon, Victoria Anne London made their appearance as presentors of awards wearing their half naked outfits...oh wow...i wish every month is Rock Awards.
Narda won the Best In the RAw award...yay !im jumping with joy ! and cute ni Katwo !! ohohohoh..Urban Dub winner of the Best song 'Soul Searching', Sugar Free, Razorback, Kamikaze, also won some awards....then they gave The Hall of Fame Awards to the band 'Eraserheads'.. we almost cried when we saw their Audio Visual presentation about their contribute to Filipino Music, but Ely Buendia only shows up to accept the awards. then we left the Venue after Parokya ni Edgar performed their new single "Yes Yes Show".
Then on the way home..on the Radio Simulcast live in NU 107 , we heard Razorback performed some Eraserheads music. the organizers must think that the E-heads might play again one last time to the crowd, but the other members didnt showed up and they let Razorback play the grand finale just to cover the missing act for that night!
it was a hell cosmic of experience...damn it! its my first time to attend the Rock award... and first time to attend FREE !! thanks to Joon, and Annette for the Free ticket! Azzztig !!!
(top) me (hapi boy after seeing Victoria London) , joon and annette
(middle) rock awards crowd and stage, my arm with rock award x stamp
(below) Luna and Aids(yihee!) , TJ with a greeny grin after seeing Maui Taylor
word of the day:
putcha! ang cute ni Erning !! she's so cute!!
ganda pala pagnakalugay yung buhok..syet.kamukha nya si Britney Spears..
Taragis...hayop talaga si TAdo !! hari talaga ng mga tarantado si Tado ...
PICS muna
castle outside Glorietta, i took this pic ontop outside of Starbucks G4
Aids and I walked under the flyover of Magallanes(i think?)
and took this pic. time is 12am, we are going to Edsa after TJ ride a jeep