Its another adventure outside Metro Manila,we went to Zambales for a 2 day outing of our group and it was fun and a painful sunburn experience.hehheh...i got sun burn in my body. and im color pink, they are dubbing me as a shrimp or "hipon" coz my body color looks like a cooked shrimp. but i prefer to be a tuna sahimi or a pink tuna.
we swim on one spot of the beach and we enjoyed our time under the sun, beach is fun and i got lots of words in my hands describing the experience in the beach.
at night we play Harry Potter UNO card game and we just discovered that we are almost drunk when we started to laugh on something..what a fun night.
on the next day, we woke up early, but me...left alone in bed and saw my group finished their breakfast meal,. then another swimming and diving session in the beach. i clown around for a moment when i started pulling my shorts under the water haheh...they got it on video.
checking out the bottom thanks to the snorkels of Hecman, and when im using the goggles and snorkels, i almost drowned myself on a hip height water. coz the water starts to enter in my snorkels.
putik..sarap talaga sa beach!!!
Mayoralgo Beach House,
Cabangan, Zambales April 24 - 25, 2004
visit this site for more pics