Me and my sister's barkada went to the Linkin Park Meteora World Tour in CCP Grounds, and after the concert i meet my buddies, Ariel, Ava and friend, Jac, Wan Wan and Elmer.
will post the pics and concert reviews tomorrow
thanks to Ariel Atienza for the added photos
Date me!
hmm..what happened lately..
hmm...think ...think..
i got it...
this is what happened to me..having a temporary amnesia hehhehhe
me and Maui meet again after 2 yrs of no contact. now she's looking for a job and i didnt know that she graduated last April. .cool!
and we meet in Glorieta, do some talkies.and some stuff all about us. then the award for that a great you know what !
Today me and Monica will watch the Last Full Show in Big Sky Mind,my friend will play there with his! wanna see him harass again the bass guitar! see ya Joon!
and the morning my best girlie friend Tin Tin, we will meet in galeria and then il take her to Eastwood City to fix some business and then after that must meet with Maui in Mcdo Recto, just to give the Battle Royale movie.
geez...merryland is very fat and healthy!
also im hoping that me and Monica will attend the exhibit on Thursday for the 9th Graphic Asia Expo 2004 in Phil.Trade Center.
mhm....use the force Az..!