June 19
Folk Arts Theater
Click here for the photo coverage of day 1
its me and RG teaming for getting a full coverage of this event
also...im the VJ for the We Are Anime Video Magazine , covering the whole event
the 4 volume video Coverage magazine collection of various events will be available for sale
on june 27,TOYCON 2004.
Its a whole day competition for Filipino players, winners will be competing in Seoul, Korea for the
World Championship of Ragnarok, also during that day various booth activities commence and fans fall
in line to play and get those freebies.
I even tried the Nokia N-gage mobile game device, and its cool, but i lost in the racing contest,
winners who beats all players will win a N-gage QD console.
also Games Master booth was there, giving away free demo game of Soul Calibur in Xbox...wow..check it out
I beat some of the players there...but at the end..i was beaten too.
they have this cotnest, Ragnarok head gear contest, fans wear their weirdest head gear. this is a
great contest...substituting cosplay, but cosplay contest will be on the 2nd day.
Also that time the Ragnarok Art contest was judged and day 2 wil be the announcement of winners
Parokya ni Edgar, Moonstar 88 and Kamikaze played their rock music and fans enjoyed it.
the audience is composed of Kids!!!!!!!! kids of all ages...and younglings with out their parents!
cool !!
i got in...at the event...by having a VIP pass!
wow! cool !!! thanks to the Marketing Department for backing me up and to RG of We Are anime for a
great team up coverage !
estimated audience of day 1 : 800-900 people.
ticket - P150 per day, P250 for 2 days
lucky 500 early birds will receive a free poring doll
geez..i want that green one!