Directed byRamona S. Diaz
Imelda, the documentary hit with controversy over its content and its delayed release, is a solid film to watch and not only that it is also very educational and very informative.
Despite the title, Imelda is not really a biographical flick of the former first lady of the Philippines as it concentrated more on the political side of things from Imelda Marcos' attractive campaign for her dictator husband in 1965, adding beauty to the country in a personal way, meeting varied world leaders "the human way" (she met Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro just to name a few), governing Metro Manila, enjoying the richness of life while millions of Filipinos suffered, running as a presidential candidate in 1992 and 1998 and the road goes on!
Complementing the informative archive media footage of historical events were interviews with a huge variety of people from Imelda's childhood friends to reporters to former government officials and to US officials.
What makes Imelda striking is the huge amount of information that can be learned. Imelda Marcos has her delusions until now even claiming that she's "innocent" from being involved with human rights violations on 70,000 Filipinos, salting away money, etc.
True to documentation, Imelda had interviews of people from both sides of the arena: one side telling the negative view and one side favoring Marcos.
Cinematography's very good. The shots of Leyte are very beautiful and polished in grand fashion. The film's pacing is fast enough to keep viewers awake and interested.
Hat's off to Ramona Diaz for this very solid documentary. Imelda may even start a trend of political documentaries on Filipinos. Better not miss this movie!
Imelda Docu Film: Az Take 1
I watched Imelda docu film..with my friend Ricky and Reitchand astig sya..eheh..medyo di ko din kasi alam yung mga history ng mga marcoses and grabeyung story.i really like the treatment they made for this docu..ok yungcinematography nya. and the execution of the visuals are wellpresented.
No special effects karamihan ng mga pinakita ay mgafootages and live events kamakailan lang.hindi lang tungkol sa 3,000 shoes yung documentary film..medyo may mga laughs at mga nakakatawa eksena sya.well..some of the viewers are mad while watching the film, coz Imeldastayed innocent as she said. vs. all the accusations against her..i think she had more than 100 cases
if you like politics and the history of pinoy politics.ok sa inyo itong movie.pero just keep your angst for the moment you watch it and later release it after the movie na lang.coz some people in the cinema got over reacted on some scenes in thefilm...(shouting inside the cinema) , which..really !
..after I saw Imelda discuss on some topic about Peace and Order...and what the hell is PACMAN doing at the topic..and..some sort of 7 Portals of the movie if you want to and find it out.
When I was in grade school.during the presidency campaign , i think that was 1986..not sure.. the time Cory Aquino run for president.I got a news with my neighbors that the caravan of Pres.Marcos andImelda will arrive in our street in Forbes. so my play mates told methat they are going to show the president their Philippine Flag flyer(which the marcoses use the paper flyer flag as the symbol of its candidancy),my play mates told me that they are going to wave the flag and rip itoff in front of them,,and then i told do it.but when the time the caravan arrived, i saw them raised the phil flag flyer(colored back to back) and they ripped it when the caravan arrives in front of them.
In matter of seconds i told my self that.why should i rip the Phil.Flag.its the flag of mg country why should i do that. then thecaravan approaches in front of me..i was staring at the Pres. and Imelda , waving their hands and cheering the people.some of the people crowded at the back of their caravan, and itleaves no people left in front of the caravan, as they passed infront of me.
I was standing and looking at them with no reaction.then suddenly Ferdinand Marcos looked at me and said "hey boy, we aregiving away some free Hats and goodies at the back why dont you gothere and get some free stuff" , then Imelda look at me and wave atme. and said that i should go at the back to grab some that time..i cant believe that some powerful person talked to me.and that was a great experience for before i watchedthe docu film, memories started to flashback and it is still fresh inthe back of my brain.
Related article : Director fights for Imelda movie