Everything is in chaos, every day...every minute I encountered this terrible disaster, im glad that i survived and faced this fucking challenges that nearly kicks my ass out to space orbit.
there some good news and soem bad news. well..thats what we call LIFE.
Lightning Strikes
it was raining that time and its like the end of the world. our home is into nearly high waters, that afternoon i didnt expect that it will happened to us. That's why i am scared of lighting, coz when I was a kid I was nearly stroke by lightning, I though it was a joke, but its not.
During the Mighty Rain, i was checking my mail and using the internet, i was making a special website for an Art event. Then i heard a lightning bang! outside our house and I saw flashes of lights in our window, then after that the ground starts to shake. I realize that the lightning has hit us. I immediately turn off our TV and computer.
Then after the rain, i tried to connect to the internet and then..it no longer connects, my modem didnt recognize any dial tone. then we noticed that our caller id got busted, and then we found out that an electric current from the lightning flowed through our phone line to the caller id to the modem, im glad that we shut off the unit before it get toasted.
so countless days i got no internet connection, i bought a new one. but i found out that PCI slot for my brand new internal modem was toasted,it was useless. so thanks that i have to buy an external modem for my Serial port system..
Fate of the Sugardrops
well..goodbyes cant be avoided..but its the right thing.
some of our bands members are busy so they can no longer play for the band. and me..so busy can go make up for the band too. well..music differences is one of the reason of the band rest. and lots of training needed for me to play the guitar. and also for some matters that we discussed. its up to me and TJ now....hm...will be having a possible gig this saturday in Makati.
Empty Gas Tank
well..after the lightning disaster..i lost a big amount of cash for the repairs of my pc, and im in bog cahoots for some events coming in my way.
must do something!
will sing for money
will dance for money
will scrub your back for money
will do anything for money, except wash the dishes
Erase my mind
i just encontered a massive memory loss in my digital camera..and damn! it happened to me 2 times in one staright day and I lost 2 group files of pics of my trip, and here ...i dont have a nice pics that i suppose to be featured here in my website.
heres a pic from my trip somehere in the mountains
Reach my deadline
oh after the countless days of no internet connection, im here working lots of web works for a deadline i posted and promise for my contacts. right now im in establishing our own Comic studio, and hope everything is okay. got some gigs for my artists friends who trusted me on this work.
Az Video Game news
at least..i have some good news here! New screen shots of the game
Azrael's Adventure in Merryland. The Video game release will be on September 18, and hope it allows us to exhibit the game in the upcoming event U Got Game, a interschool game developement competition.
The Story: It's about a kid name "AZ" having its own ranch with 8 sheeps in Merryland. Suddenly, dark forces stole all the sheeps and kept in different caves. When the kid woke up from that sudden impact, a cute little fairy gave him powers such as "wings" to fly and his wooden stick with a "spark" at the end. His mission is to rescue all 8 sheeps and destroy all dark forces.
we will be collaborating with other indie artist. combining indie music, film, comics, art and etc.
hope this brand new indie gaming developement brings new grounds to the gaming industry here in the Philippines.
Deviant Art Manila Meet Up
organized by the Artists' Den
visit http://deviantartmanila.blogspot.com <--future website event organized by: