They say Batman is the Stuff of Legends, thats why every part and story in the comic is very mysterious and lots of eerieness, Life in me is like a Legend, full of weirdness and extraordinary story that you will not find in other normal person. Am I normal? is this my gift or a curse?
for now.. I want to be alone, hope all my gurlets, should leave me alone for a moment, its time for me to get busy in work, and I dont want to be distracted. well for some other close girl - friends, its normal to meet and talk to me. putang ina! ang gulo ko noh?
Lightning Crash
Lightning Crash....a new mother cries.
Not a Typical Song you will hear everyday, but everytime i can hear this lighthning storm, makes me remember the horror of my life. i know its hard to live a life today with out a PC, my Pc is my whole life hehhe. even in High school, i used to call this a girlfriend, having the initials CPU, and my classmates thought that it was our Highschool girl classmate Cristina P. Uy, having the same intials with CPU as Central Processing Unit.
maybe have a girlfriend named GPU, thats Graphics Processing Unit, and not Grace P. Urdaneta (who the hell is she? hmm..hope she's real! hhhehehe)
Where's the MAP !
damn! im having some hard time surfing the net just to get a clear image of the vicinity map of Makati. why am i doing this?
because, im not familiar in the area of Makati, (sorry im just human)
I have this Cocktail Party of some business people in Makati, and the venue will be in Makati Sports Club, to hell! I didnt even know where it is located in Salcedo Village. oh damn! il be going out wandering in Makati in a formal suit, carrying my bag with Hockey Ice Skates, Jersey and Hockey stuff.
and to all my stalkers...i wont even tell here in my site when and what time. ehhehe..
Give me back my P5.00
I was walking in Rosario and then i got attracted to this Cover of a candy wrapper, with a Daredevil movie cover, and at the back is Elektra,
i really love Jennifer Garner, she's the sexiest babe in my life...
Php 5.00 for that candy and the sign said free with toy inside.
what i did is, I bought the item and hoping to get a Elektra-Jennifer Garner toy figurine or hoping to get Daredevil -Ben Affleck, or any character, so i grab one, and i zap my way riding the FX going to Megamall.
and here what i get !!!!
fuck !!! one small biscuits and one magnetic toy!
where's daredevil? elektra? jennifer garner??
i've been rip off by this food-toy gimik!!!!!!!!
Book haven
at last..i will be having my own hardbound book of Harry Potter, For FREE
complete set and i was thinking of getting also some Star Wars books.and add this to my collection, at books for my bookshelves,thanks to our sponsor Scholastic Book Fair.
also for other sponsor, thanks to Karen "Katch" Cheung, lovely girl and great artist, who volunteered to give away some prizes in our upcoming Aug 7 Deviant Art Manila Meet Up, for our Best Design Name Tag.
Deviant Art Manila Meet Up
A very success meet up of subscribers, a total of 30 artist went to our eyeball last wednesday. The event starts at 8pm and we finished at 12MD, Thanks to the Artists' Den in helping this brand new community emerge from the shadows.
here are our Deviant ARt Manila Attendance.
here are our Deviant Art Manila Eye Ball Poster
art by: Lionel Nelz Yumul
30,000 Hits Celebration
Yesterday i saw my counter hits logging 29,900 plus and now it reaches 29,952 hits, in a couple of hours or days, my site will be having a 30,000 hits !
im still thinking how will I celebrate this 30K hits!
thanks to all who visit and support my site !!!