its Jan 1 and F* working and doing lots of stuff for the upcoming convention and for my latest gig. my blood is running like thunder and i think the unstoppable urge in making a deep punch for the upcoming event G2 Games and Gadget Show and for the Magazine gig.
Been organizing some meetings and it will until Jan 4, and another BIG convention is coming up on February 2005. This is the 2 most Biggest convention I ever Gaming con and an Anime con...
this is the best of the best ...hmm..close to that best..but im still have this dream convention and it will top all conventions in the Philippines, think of originality with the spirit of True Pinoy. Toycon 2004 is one example and expect more of my blood sprinkeled in one of these blood....means success...
Im glad that I have a team partner..thanks to RG Guanzon for being the best partner in this pop culture, it seems that Im having this idea of doing some more events, but i already made a promise to quit for a moment after the Feb big event, well..i dont know..but i have to focus more on college and the magazine gig....but hey..maybe soon after college il be back and in full gear in events organizing... but still it depends if my USA Visa is approved...awwww...dont worry il be back after 6 months if ever that happens.
such a long warming up for tomorrow and i want my readers to be informed on what am I doing... damn it! im not that a not that too good to be writer..i dont want to be writer...but im one of those kids who wants to be writer, I wish i taken up those communication course when i'm in college, im a little bit ashamed of myself coz im the only guy who isn't that too very proficient English or in writing, and people around me are the experts..thats why I push myself sometimes to improve this writing and communication skills, so that i wont be hanging out and tagged again for having a bad grammar...geez..I really hate my Boss back in magazine of a broadcasting giant. i know she shuts up, but sometimes continues to attack from is like that..even now i can hear some stories of some back stabbing he/she did years ago.
been almost 7 years in the industry and im glad that someone already notice my own company...well sort of...Omake Omake News Philippines is included as co-organizer of the event G2 Games and Gadget Show, thanks to the organizer MMOG for trusting me on our event. Its the 2nd time i saw my logo in their sponsors..and Im surprised that below my logo is a tagline included that it says "The Anime-Comic Alternative Pop Culture News Maker in the Philippines", whoooaa! now i have to work on that website....
to all my readers here in Azrael's Merryland, thank you so much for the humongous support, thanks for the emails, messages, tags, love mails, hate mails, txtmate invites, friendster invites, EB invites, SEB invites (sorry im not allowed for this), party invites, freebie invites, overnight invites, and bday invites...and more.....whew...
2005 will be blast...for Azrael's Merryland will invade the MAGAZINE WORLD !!!!!! just brace very afraid...
are you willing to buy a magazine with a 2-page article of Azrael's Merryland?, written by me !!! of course...who else will write that.
expect more adventures,stories and educational tour in that 2 page feature every month....coming this year 2005.
Incubus makes Az happy new year is fine..i just spent all day at home waiting for the clock for New Year, always online, chatting to my Girlfriend and surfing reading the net, listening to my Girlfriend's gift - Incubus CD album, and remember that Lace really makes my life happy..every minute..seconds..nano seconds...
My New Year is welcomed by a phone call from Lace.. Heart pumping and im so in love with this girl..and as I hear her voice in my cellphone,my voice began to turn soft..being the cool me... im glad that theres technology that we can communicate in an instant...thanks God for internet, mobile communication and etc.
Check out this video i download yesterday morning.its the 2nd thing that makes me happy this New Year.
Incubus does The Police
It all happened last dec 12th at the 2004 kroq almost acoustic xmas in los angeles. Incubus played these Police covers featuring Andy
& Stewart
Stellar/De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
Message In A Bottle
view the 16 minute performance (35 MB)
or download my convert uploaded low res file of Stellar/ De Do Do, De Da Da Da
download it here, click Save Target As (900KB)
G2 Games and Gadget Show
Jan 7,8,9, 2005
SM Megamall, Megatradehall 1,2
entrance fee P25
click here to view poster
Azrael the video game exhibit at the G2
Azrael Adventures in Merryland the video game
produced and developed by: WAA' Soft
visit the WAA booth (near the stage)
Deviant ART Manila meet -
all Deviant ART Manila community are invited to come and have a meet at the G2 Games and Gadget Show
Assembly will be at the Artists' Den Booth (near
the stage)
bring your artworks, art materials.
and lets have our first DA meet for the year 2005
Artists' Den @ G2 Games and Gadget Show
Artists' Den group will be there at the G2 Games
and Gadget Show, and they feature their latest
comic and art works to the public.
some of it are for sale.
the latest comic release, merchandise and art
Live Demo at the booth
-character creation
-comic creation
-coloring techique
-comic strip contruction
and more....
live demo will be conducted by members of the
Artists' Den, professional and fresh artist
members of the group
watch our for the official release of their website
at the Games and Gadget Show
Cosplay contest @ G2 Games and Gadget Show
visit the event website and you can register your
costume entry online
TransFormers Philippines joins
TFPH will join the booth and will feature the latest hi tech toys of TransFormers, featuring the 2005 release of TransFormers Galazy Force.
visit the Artists' Den or WAA-Omake News Booth
Philippine Hobbyist Magazine
PHM will give a big signal to all hobbyist and collectors, for the Premiere Collectibles and Hobby Magazine in the Philippines will resurrect after its 4 years of sleep, and it will be the best Hobby Magazine in our country.
visit the Artists' Den or WAA-Omake News Booth
Tantra Eyeball!
What: 1st Grand Eyeball @ the Games and Gadgets Expo
When: January 8, 2005 6PM onwards
Where: Tantra Booth - Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall
January 8, 2005
6:00pm to 6:30pm – Registration and Body Art
6:30pm to 7:30pm – GM Interaction
7:30pm to 8:00pm – Raffle of Prizes
(source: TOP official forums)
Get a chance to finally meet fellow Tantra players!
Come with your Ashram members and avail of exclusive Tantra prizes!
This is one awesome gig not to be missed!
2004 Gamers' Choice MMOG/MOG of the Year
Awarding will be at: SM Megatrade Hall 1 & 2 on January 9, 2005 Sunday, at the afternoon. Courtesy of WeAreAnime, Omake Omake News, and of course the convention organizers MMOG Philippines, Inc. - Games & Gadgets Show or G2 Show - January 7~9.
organized by: MMORPG
co-organized by:
We Are Anime and Omake Omake News