This afternoon I went to my school to inquire for the summer class, and dang! i got surprised to know that my course is already cancelled and it was changed into this title that has the same course..I was laughing my way back outside the building coz I think my subjects are credited and a new curriculum has passed last year, and Il be shifting my course from BS Mathematics Major in Computer Science itno BS Applied Mathematics Major in Information Technology.
What the HECK???
they are still the same.
but hmm. I think the subjects are more easier than the previous course,
coz my last course really kills me, expect a one class section got mass lay off or mass failure in one math subject, and lucky me I do not belong to that class. for me those past years are like a horror movie.
This April I will start again from what I left back in college, and will face new challenges to this new rebuild university. I think we are the last university to have a high tech carded ID.
me and Lace are laughing inside when some guard didnt know how to use the computer outside, and they do not monitor the screen when someone comes in and swipped their ID Cards, she says that she can still get in FEU, just borrow an ID and then swipe and then your in..nice and safely.
Im so excited to see my school in a new facial facilities, more airconditioned room and etc. but i noticed that some of the students there are all girls...i think when me and Lace went there we saw almost 60% are girls and 40% are guys. honey got worried that i might fool around in there..but NOT..coz im super suplado in school. adventures coming next month.......COLLEGE here I am! (again.)
The Den invade CSB
the bunch of mutants called the Artists' Den have invade the College of St. Benilde for their invasion called "THE CAMPUS TOUR LECTURE/WORKSHOP"
it will be fun fun fun! to be inside the campus teaching and sharing knowledge to students...hmm..their facilities are soooo cool!
the have this teacher's table equipped by a desktop PC, LCD Monitor and giant humongous black board..geez..this is a big school.
so kita kits doon!
also my 1st crush is there working as a Disciplinary Officer. we meet already last week and it was fun to see each other..especially after high school..all grown up and both being an adult. I introduced to her my girlfriend, it was funny, but nothing to bug about it. its just like meet and greet and kumustahan after HS.
and this campus tour might be my last campus tour for the Artists'Den
il retire for a moment and focus on some serious work here.
so people! lets log off and join the FUN!
Man at work
drat..thats one of my new expression as I got it from my girlfriend.
i've been working for almost 3 days straight for this new gig I have. being an editor is one big responsibility. I think being a comic editor is more easier than my work. Coz the work load of the two type of Editor is different as a monthly magazine editor, I need more ideas and more concept and more money to finish a one month project.
Its like having a thesis for a one month deadline.ahahha
but it was fun learning and discovering some new stuff that I like.
hmmm more updates coming up just check out this Photo Manipulation that im studying now. maybe I'l transform one picture of a cute girl into a Digital Manipulation SUPER GIRL.
are you a fan, hobbyist and collector?
and want to be a contributor writer or artist?
if yes..
then this is the right time to use those skills.hheheeeh
if you are into anime, jpop, jrock, action figure, barnie, video games,comics, movie, toys, scale model kits, gundam, die cast car, card gamer, collector, hobbyist, and can make an article or artwork related to these topics. then you can be part of our team.
Send now your articles and join the team for our revamp version of PHM.
Philippine Hobbyist Magazine 2005.
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all articles submitted will be approved for publishing for APRIL issue.