Organizations worldwide are faced with important strategic challenges presented by information technology and the Internet. Together, IT and the Internet are causing information available to organizations to double every year. click the image to read and register if you want to attend. a comic or anime convention its a another business conference, I'm glad that they invited me again to attend these series of conference and forums, and its cool coz its related to IT and business. The event helps me enhance my skills on the business side and IT management and also give me a wide learning on some topic that I need to learn.
I'm going there later after my morning class and then I'l leave the con and I'l attend my afternoon class.geez..i hope they have this everday. It sucks to have a 5 hour vacant in school. crap.. I need a part time job for that slot.
and hm..I know I have a conference event for PC Wolrd Magazine, and crap...I think I lost their email invitation. girlfriend left already and went to their family vacation in Bohol and Cebu. She calls me everytime via Sun cell.haah..tnx to Lace's sister Liza for the simcard. and now i feel relieved and glad that we still have this unlimited communication whenever shes out of Luzon.