I was victimized by this unknown class of cockroach,its so small and it bites me while i slept. My whole body turns red and becomes itchy. I woke up because the itch kills me.I put some isoprophil alcohol directly on the bites to prevent infection or to take those stings away.My sister went up and spray the room and she said it was a small er tiny roach which is not commonly seen around the house.
and damn...I think the roach is mutated or radioactive..
WTF !!! radioactive??
Spider-Man is cool, bitten by a radioactive spider.
but me bitten by a roach? oh crap! hhhahaaa... Cockroach-man ahhaha..
or turn to a Mambabarang.
i dont want to be like Mambabarang, a villain and king of the insect from the DARNA TV series, played by Eddie Garcia,
from the good side...........
my girlfriend sent this image last night via sms.
and I requested for a pic of Az Doll riding in a Tarsier in Bohol
but ahehheeh...here's the tiny monket snapshot from her cellphone.
she's going to Cebu today and yey..may signal ng cellphone dun!
Music yada yada
I'm watching MTV daily and always waiting for my fave vidz to air. and here are some new stuff I saw while ago.
New Order "Krafty", I like the music and the music video, cool bass, cool guitars, killer beats and wow...hot steamy sex action in their music video. A couple met at the factory and then went out kissing on the kitchen, then went up to the room, undressing and then sex..and then went up to the rooftop, happy happy jumping, and then kissing again...the video has this style of camera rotating and stuff showing some part of a like a symbolism, like showing that condom empty pack on top of the dresser, coz they cant show the sex action on that video.
check out the video here.
Who says workplace romances never work. Here's one that's working overtime for dancerock legends New Order as boy meets girl on the job and girl gets boy after work. It's a dizzying first night of a new lifetime as the camera swirls around them as they tumble into the sack. The first single of their new CD, Waiting for the Siren's Call is classic New Order: earnest vocal yearning, bass-thumping momentum and surging synth textures.
here's some part of the lyrics
Some people get up at the break of day
Gotta go to work before it gets too late
Sitting in a car and driving down the road
It ain't the way it has to be
But that's what you do to earn your daily wage
That's the kind of world that we live in today
Isn't where you wanna be
And isn't what you wanna be
Give me one more day (one more day)
Give me another night (just another night)
I need a second chance (second chance)
This time I'll get it right (This time I'll get it right)
I'll say one last time (one last time)
I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know)
I've got to change your mind (I've got to change your mind)
I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go)
Rivermaya "You'll be safe here", I saw the new music video, NOT the ABS CBN "spirits tv" video, the real music video all I can say is THAT its a rip off yes... a RIP OFF.. I'l say it again, a R-I-P -O-F-F...from L'ARC EN CIEL's music video ---- SNOW DROP........and fuck Rivermaya disappoints me. they have this cool music and yet they cant come up their own style..on the music video..hey...is that HYDE? is that KEN ?? oh crappy.. are they imitating Larc en ciel...oh well..the girls love them..and some guys hate them ahha..thats what I call Pinoy
I don't know about Rivermaya. Baka gagayahin na nila lahat sa l'arc en ciel. Booooooooo!!!
puro rip off na ata mga music ngayon..
pati mtv
BOOOO !!!!!!