example pic.....
its was an exciting day today in class it was 12nn that we started our political science class then suddenly, our classroom door went opened and closed and my professor noticed it and told us that we have a visitor, she began to chill and got weakened while she discuss us the subject and later on I look around to see if theres any unseen visitor again.
at first I didnt see it, but then I removed my eye glasses, touched and push my forehead, well its like a habit for me if I like to activate my so called 3rd eye,
and then I look around again and there it go......... I saw a mist in the middle of the clas, two rows after me. (if you imagine it..you can see an invisible man.like a watery air...parang ganun!)
then my prof. discuss us what she sees, and then I told her that I sense it too, and also two of my classmates felt it.
its a ghost sucking energy of some sort.
coz my prof said that she felt weak after she see's it.
its a one chilling experience
and I told them that the 5th floor of the Science Building of FEU is once a morgue for medical students during the old times.
yup really freaky
yup i still have more
il do that next post with illustrations.
btw the photo is only a photo reference on what we saw.. and not the actual photo that we saw on that day...its only an example
Sa condo unit ko meron talaga. :D Pero lately absent sya kasi lagi ako nagiingay ng mga rock music. Hehehe.