finally! i watched it already in a promotional dvd copy and I was surprise to see the copy sleeping somewhere in Recto while I browse to see some good movies, thanks to my sponsor for availing it for me and got excited going back home to watch it.
but the bad part is that I fell asleep while watching it at late night, then on the next morning I played it again and enjoyed the world that Gaiman and Mckean created.
is it a dream? or something else?
Helena is a fifteen-year-old girl working for her family circus, who wishes--quite ironically--that she could run away from the circus and join 'real life'. But such is not to be the case, as she finds herself on a strange journey into the Dark Lands, a fantastic landscape filled with giants, Monkeybirds and dangerous sphinxes. Helena searches for the Mirrormask, an object of enormous power that is her only hope of escaping the Dark Lands, waking the Queen of Light and returning home.
so close to you...
answer my riddle or else i'll devour you!
the queen of darkness and helena
//* the movie is very weird and creepy all you need is a lot of imagination if you want to keep up with the story and its a Gaiman plus Mckean imaginations that will transport you to a place that everything is impossible. Its some kind of dark Alice in Wonderland or should I say Dreamland or something. Its a good movie for a Neil Gaiman and Dave Mckean fan, but for those who are not, I suggest that you should open your mind more and generate lots of imagination when watching this.
Nocturne group and Neil Gaiman Philippines (club) said that the UK Theater release is coming soon, but world wide release is not finalize the date, but not yet sure, then the Official DVD release will be on Feb 14 as plugged.
now i share this video to them as they plan to create a film a thon for Mirrormask, I dont know when it will be.
as Hector said "To me, Mirrormask is like the Loch Ness Monster. I've heard about it, I've seen pictures and books of it. But I've never seen it for myself..." *//
i think the pirated video is already everywhere. all you have to do is ask
in recto i bought it along the sidewalk near the former EVER mall.
my gf got a copy along the sidewalk of pedro gil.
the video is not that dvd quality.
it came from a vhs promo copy.
but the picture and sound are clear.
and sorry, i no longer sell copied videos.