tonight will be our exhibitors briefing and we are expecting all exhibitors and sponsors coming over to the conference room for a major announcement and meeting for the upcoming ToyCon.
I'm super busy last week and this week for Im still trying to blast out the information about Toycon 2006. HERO TV already airs our commercial, Radio stations like NU 107, Magic 89.9, RX 93.1 already airs our plugs and on broadcast bulletin. Kzone got our ad already, too bad we didnt appeared in FHM. and online site and forums are a good help in promoting our event.
I'm not yet sure if we're ready but for me, i just like to ask one month more allowance to do the production of the event. coz im so tired and also excited heehehe.
I already put up a registration form for the artist and illustrators job search for Art Asylum.
applicants can register there so that we can have a backtrack how many will attend. Coz im afraid that Digger can take only 30-40 reviews of applicants, and i think maybe he might stay here only for one day only.
All band performers are on set, i just encountered earlier a problem on one band, but Im glad that I fixed it up, but not yet sure coz I havent talk to them personally.
Im now starting to check my bulk inboxes, coz some of the messages are lost and stayed in my bulk mail,. it started a big confusion to everyone and also to me. Email messages that I expect landed in my bulk, im glad again that I manage to check it and some of it were lost.
The official poster of the event will be distributed later.
if you have a shop, restaurant, school or currently employed in a company, and like to put up a poster in their place.. you can email me at azrael@gmail.com if you want a poster
thats for free of course.
dang!!! Im still thinking if True Faith, Akafellas and Rivermaya make it on ToyCon.
but Im not yet sure coz one of my team manages their appearance. and also i rest my case to Sitti. no show for the Bossa Nova girl at the event. Mark boy here didn't made it to talk clearly if she can perform at the event for free. oh well... i just play her cd during break time of the event.
and for the fan film exhibition.
i just emailed and got a reply to AMDS, the guy who created the Neo Vs. Robocop fan film.
that guy is cool..and great editing for the fan film, he created the Fight of the Universe, hoping that the DVD of the film will arrive before the event. Also a film maker from youtube got the interest to show his fan film works of Megaman Vs. Eva 4.
Im still scouting for our local fan film makers and indie film makers that is a little related to our event.
the event is soooooo big..
and now we are planning for some sub-event after toycon.
like comic convention, movie convention. heroes convention. and the funny one...gay convention
no kidding .
on june 25th we might hold a Superman Returns event in a Mall.
il post more details after toycon.
our stage will be like this.....minus the catwalk