wanted comics illustrators/creators
From: Dionisio, Veronica C. vcdionisio@pdic.gov.ph
Date: Sep 27, 2006 10:37 AM
Subject: wanted comics illustrators/creators
To: Azrael Coladilla azrael@gmail.com
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Good morning!
We are in need of comics illustrators/creators/writers for the following
1. Character creation (to depict/represent our company)
2. Comic strips (12 comics strips with 5 frames each), content of which
shall include the Character created and the pre-conceived themes for the
3. Illustration of an existing information material into poster or
tarpaulin size
With regards to the above projects, I hope as an organizer of Komikon
Convention, you can give us possible service providers who can work on the
above projects soon. Terms of reference of the projects shall be discussed
in a meeting.
This is an urgent need, so I hope you can get in touch with us soon.
Best regards,
Veronica C. Dionisio
Information Specialist
Institutional Relations and Resource Center
Telephone Numbers: 841-4631
hi ms. veronica,
i already forwarded your email to all comic creators here in manila,
you will soon get their response regarding your in need of artists
Thank you very much, Mr. Coladilla. I hope we hear from them very soon.
//ok I guess you all have read the ad above.... just contact the ms. veronica if you like to get the job as a comic artist/writer.