I was having my lunch last Friday in Greenwich in the corner of Recto and Morayta, I was excited to eat this baked lasagna and chicken, after munching it I just saw people outside the street running and then cops suddenly appears and it seems that there is a riot, then these cops began to move like they came from nowhere, they just popped like a popcorn, they carry big sticks and then after that people carrying red flags and banners running and came out from nowhere too, in HUGE numbers, and then I heard their shout.... something like Gloria Arroyo and that con con thing.

people outside the street were afraid and some of them went inside the mall and in the fast food were am at. then I started to panic that I might be blown out by tear gases, but then I realize that I am safe inside.
before heading back to the FEU campus, I seen that the mob is already calmed down, I began to shoot the events with my Olympus camera.
heheheh oh yeah! Welcome to RECTO !