skipped this blog post if you dont want to be spoiled.
Just saw the movie last night and Im excited to see Galactus hahaha, yeah! we know that the planet eater is a giant cosmic cloud, but at the end of movie you will see HIM ! well, not exactly Galactus himself but he just look like a demonic figure, very scary figure, with the shape of Galactus and the helmet, all in fire and look like a Balrog (LOTR), and he doesn't speak, he just laugh in an evil way, Tim Story the director, made a good point to make Galactus a cosmic cloud entity rather than a helmeted guy, but i would love to see him in his spaceship seating and consuming all energy of the planet, but to think of it. Galactus in the movie is much stronger than in comics. hmmm just my opinion, I respect comic readers too, and i know how they feel about the appearance of Galactus.
ok! this should be a movie review, but I am more excited to see Silver Surfer and Galactus. But the movie is not complete without Fantastic Four and of course...Dr. Doom.
oh man! Dr. Doom is one big bad guy! I like him here in the movie! just like in the movie, he hungers for power and never think of it first hahahaha.. they got a pretty cool character, but its great to see the bad guy in connection with the Surfer.
re: family4, wow! Invisible woman hot!!!! and i think they just made a short cameo effects that would might be for a Super Skrull.
oh well, there it goes, my short fan boy shout as a comic guy after watching the movie.
Now Im thinking that on the 3rd film it will be the ATTACK OF THE SKRULLS.
and oh i forgot... check out where STAN LEE appears haaha