this is the 3rd time that me and the lightning in a middle of a war again. 1st was that I was nearly strucked 5 feet away, then our house was hit by lightning destroying our PC and burned our caller id machine and for the 3rd time the Taxi that Im riding in EDSA was hit by a lightning. Being hit by lightning is one scary experience, I just hop on to this taxi and the weather is cloudy and dark in that afternoon, then several lightnings are visible in the sky.
Riding for almost 1 1/2 minutes in EDSA, this public bus stopped in front of us then started to unload their passengers, so the taxi driver slowly turns and decided to over take the bus, but then when we reach the middle part of the bus by overtaking it, We heard a big bang, like a gun fire, and then we saw the flash or spark in my passenger side window. the flash spark almost blinded us for a few seconds and the driver looked at me seriously and he thought that I might got shot by a gun or hit by a stray bullet.
we began to speculate many things after that incident, and started to analyze if it is a gun fire or stray bullet, but then we found out that the window is clean and no bullet shard or window shrapnel.
the taxi driver is puzzled more than I am, he told me that for the past 10 years of driving the taxi, he said that this is the first time and weirdest incident that he have encountered.
so If you asked me.. yes..first time in that taxi, but 3rd time for the lightning incident.
so scary, thats why sometimes I'm a little bit scared when walking outside during a rain or thunderstorm, because Im a lightning prone person. the lightning likes me and its always say "hello" when Im around.
If I get hit, i wish that I turn into this super powered being hahahah.. more powerful than Doctor Strange and Superman.