During the taping, Wilson Tortosa did a drawing demo and Jay David Ramos did a on the spot coloring. Im glad that I brought my laptop and the UNTV got a Wacom tablet and it was cool event demo hahahaha, Jay colored a pin up of Spider-man, then he showed it up and do an on the spot coloring.
taping one two three!
Az, Jay, Rodel of UNTV and Wilson
at the back are the hosts of the show
on air.
Jay on coloring
Wilson sketching
at the dressing room
before the camera rolls.
for more photos visit this link
UNTV Bread Tambayan taping pics - Az, Wilson and Jay (Glass House Graphics+ 5th Manila Comics Creation Seminar)
Watch our tv guesting today at 5:30pm
the show is Bread Tambayan.
visit http://www.untvweb.com/
for local listing of cable channels. but if you have UHF just go to channel 37
and if you are away and outside Philippines, just go to the website
and click on the windows media player icon to watch the show live on the net!
wow! this is a great tv network having a live streaming of their show.
we will have another live tv guesting this thursday.