above is my short video blog while we wait for the cinema to open in Rockwel Powerplant Mall
Last night was the premiere night for the movie promo and organized by MAXXX. The movie is "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford". I just already a review of the movie on tv and was surprised that theres already a DVD out in the market in the US. But we got late again here in Manila to air the movie, but its okay! it is better to be late than never.
I was confused on the name Coward Robert Ford, at first I thought he was a writer or a director of the movie, and I'm familiar only by the name Jesse James and didn't know that the Coward Robert Ford is one of the characters in the movie and was dubbed as the coward murderer because he shot Jesse James in the head and great to see an effect of his death with vertical blinds and other realistic props thats like in the west.
It was a great history movie for me, Brad Pitt as Jesse James and Casey Affleck as Robert Ford aka Bob. Funny thing on Casey is that I can't remove Ben Affleck's face on the screen hahahaha. While Brad's performance is great! he is a bad ass and fit to one of those wild west bad characters.
Don't expect that the movie is like other wild west films, make it a little different approach, try thinking Wild West meets drama and books. Its like reading a book and know more about what happened to Jesse James and the gang of robbers and what ended to them after committing a big crime of the 1800's.
Shoot and Kill!, sometimes the gun shot made my butt fly in the air, gun tooters fires out of nowhere and bunch of flesh rips out of it, it is so realistic and thats the way how a gun fires and bullets hit human flesh.
with my sister in Coffee Bean, cool to see that the mall offers free wifi access. All you have to do is install the WiGo toolbar, register and then you can access the internet for free.
if you like the wild west and some part of history. This movie is a good choice for you. Just to remind that the movie is all talkies and you need to pay attention not only to Jesse James but also with other characters revoling around. Character development didn't take too long, a narrator of the movie will help you out identify who's who in the film.
check out Wikipedia also for the history of Jesse James, it will be better to check out the info and later on check the movie trailer.
credits : image from Yahoo! Movies
Na bore yung mom and sister ko nung pinanood nila.