read below for the complete story and also my video blog :)
We were supposed to have a meeting yesterday, but my team informed me that the meeting was canceled and they apologize that they forgot to update me about it, but its okay, since I'm already near the area, I texted RG to come and join with me to settle and plan the Toy Con cosplay thing and also some production concerns.
Also I got a chance to ask RG to teach me using Sony Vegas, its a good video editing software that I have here installed in my laptop since last year, the Sony Vegas is sleeping in my laptop and never been used and used RG is into creating short films and video editing, I heard that he uses Sony Vegas in his video work.
It was a great learning moment, I finally fell inlove to Sony Vegas, too bad that I got the demo version :( but luckily a friend will lend his software to me. We enjoy the night drinking this The ultimate mocha frappy at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaves and it tastes like my favorite Java Chip in Starbucks.
Here's a video blog about me after the band practice of Insanara, just briefed them about the Toy Con and some other gigs that are currently listed in my notebook. Lots of phone calls, texts, emails, messages etc. etc. etc. so busy, but I'm just relaxing because I'm waiting for big move from the event partner.
more photos at Toy Con 2008 pre-prod meeting
RG and his humongous Laptop!