I don't have Destiny Cable at home in Cavite, and I'm not familiar with the show and how it goes, but based on my research the show is all about news, talks and discussions, features and also they play music videos! I'm not sure if I can talk about the future of Toy Con, but I can share some views about it and also future of conventions in the Philippines, and its already been happening and glad that everyone is inspired to do that to make the community and industry healthy. (more article below)
Few weeks ago, after my birthday.. I got a schedule with Joann for an hour of taping and interview for her Toy Con documentarty and thanks to Aki of Zoids Philippines for the added heads up, I enjoyed talking on camera especially when I talked about how this things started and the root of it, I talked so many things and I'm not sure if everything I mentioned will be included on the final cut, I was informed that the video docu will be distributed for free to everyone, and its like a Toy con survival guide and 101, but the docu is not about Toy Con, but its all about the hobby and collecting toys, comics and etc. I allowed them to shoot and do interview during the Toy Con event, and i'm excited to see that and know everyone's comments.
Did some magazine interviews and some Q and A interview for student's thesis, school project and also for some blog. Been busy and its a busy month for me again after June, so I'm taking my part very slow and not to rush things for awhile. its dangerous to rush hahhah.