This is a slight delay of reaction after seeing the new promo photo of X-men Origins : Wolverine
and after taking a look of it from my friend's updates via YM and Multiply, I just noticed that this promo photo of Wolverine is very clean and sort of flashy. I just don't know..maybe I want that grungy and dirty of look of Wolvie during the 1st X-men movie. Wearing jacket, cigar and jeans.
more photos below and my commentary after the jump
or you can check out my blog updates of all Wolverine movie here at X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Empire Magazine January 2009 issue, glad that someone uploads a scan of it, this magazine costs Php 900 here in the Philippines and it sucks that it is very pricey and I haven't got my own Empire magazine yet hahaha. Wolverine stands for the cover, with that clean look, hope that they put a savage version of ol' canuckle head.
Girls screamed after seeing a cameo appearance of Gambit in the promo trailer months ago, and Taylor Kitsch is now really Gambit for the live action version. For the 1st time ever having a snap shot look on what will be its role in the movie. Yeah. he gambles and play poker!
Wolverine vs. Sabretooth. The best ever fight in the comics universe. I'm just wandering if they will adapt on some revelations from the comics to the movies. I just missed a lot of Wolverine Origins in comics, but for the movie...maybe they will add some info and story directly from the comics. That's the point why they created those origin comics, so that you can have your own movie for movie fans.
Another clean look, I just hope that Wolverine will have a different outfit.
I will hate this movie if he wears that white sando for 2 hours of the film.
Weapon X in the making.. This is it ! adamantium at its best.
Carlo Pagulayan wishes for a Captain America cameo, but I guess it won't happen..
or can happen. I wish for that too.
Everyone is ready to fire!, except for that guy in the far right. I think he is reading some script lines on the ground ahaahaha. This scenes shows that Logan aka Wolverine and Creed aka Sabretooth arguing that they should rip those soldiers out of their uniform, massacre them and leave the island.. um.. I'm not doing any fan fiction line hehhe, its just a short blurb for this blog.
Okay.. that's another round of Wolverine, hope we can see the real action next week
as we will see the theatrical trailer of the film with the movie of The Day The Earth Stood Stills.