Online and virtual conventions are now getting popular in these days and thanks to Facebook and comic artists and also event organizers for hosting a virtual comic convention called Facebook Comic Con. I know this type of convention are present few months ago and now the promotion and awareness about comic art is expanding in a different way, for this time the feature is about Pinoy Komiks Art Showcase. Read more below
Mainstream or Independent
Created by Gener Pedriña
In this photo: Sandata character appearing in Sandata 0, and Sanduguan: Himagsikan
Published by Kathang Indio
Join and add it in your event page
Welcome to the FBCC Pinoy Komiks Art Showcase, a virtual event @ Facebook Comic Con, celebrating the past, present, and future of Filipino Super/heroes & Villains.
WED: AUGUST 12th, 2009. 11:59 PM
1-) Post your still art in the photo section of this event page, and/or post your animated art in the video section of this event.
2-) Only post your own art. Joint collaborations okay.
3-) Art can consist of any Pinoy Komik character/s.
4-) Art should include the text, "FBCC 2009" somewhere in submitted piece/s.
5-) Please do not post more than a combined total of THREE (3) pieces of mainstream Filipino Komik characters, -and- THREE (3) pieces of independent Filipino Komik characters for each artist. Original, unpublished Filipino Komik characters okay. Artists who post more may have their work removed from the event.
6-) Caption your art as follows: FBCC ART SHOWCASE PK | GALLERY CATEGORY (Mainstream or Independent) | YOUR NAME | NAME OF EACH IMAGE.
7-) Submissions may include optional artist bio/s with contact info in the comment thread of each piece. Outside links okay.
8-) Art will be discussed in the comments thread of your image and/or video.
Elbert Or
Joseph Torres
Facebook Comic Con Celebrates Summer Gala With Pinoy Komiks Art Showcase
Facebook Comic (FBCC) has announced that its 2009 Summer Gala will take place online at [link] from the morning of Thursday, August 13th through the night of Sunday, August 16th. As part of the festivities, the virtual comic book convention will celebrate the past, present, and future of Filipino super/heroes and villains with an online Pinoy Komiks Art Showcase to be held during that time at [link]
All artists from the Philippines are invited and encouraged to take part in the showcase. Art submissions will be accepted directly at the special events page on [link] from now until August 12th at 12:00 o’ clock midnight. Guest commentators including Comics Creators, J. Torres and Elbert Or will also be on hand to advise and critique submitted pieces throughout the celebration, as well.
For submission guidelines, technical assistance, or any further information about the FBCC Pinoy Komiks Art Showcase, please contact: Event Coordinator, Stacey Aragon