Tron Legacy is the title for the sequel of the 1982 movie Tron. The title was revealed at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con. I was young at that time when I watched this movie, I know about video games, but I still have no knowledge of the tech terminologies that was used in the classic sci fi film, I guess its time for me to grab a dvd and watch it again.
"Light Cycles will be making a return,with new designs by Daniel Simon.According to the press conference at ComicCon 2009, a new vehicle called a "Light Runner" is to be a two-seat version of the light cycle. We will also get a glimpse at Kevin Flynn's own cycle.- Wikipedia"
and here's another info
"On July 21, 2009, several movie-related websites posted they had received via mail a pair of "Flynn's Arcade" golden coins along with a flash drive. Its content was an animated gif image that showed css code lines. Four of them were put together and part of the code was cracked, revealing the url to, a fiction site mantained by activists who believe Kevin Flynn is alive, even though he's been missing since 1989. Clicking on a tiny spider in the lower section of the main page leads to a countdown clock that hits zero on July 23, 2009, 9:30pm PDT. Within the Terms of Use Section, an address was found. It lies at San Diego, CA, nearby the city's convention center, where the Comic Con 2009 is taking place and some footage/info on the sequel is expected to be seen. Many suspect the Arcade has been re-opened at that location.[18] A second viral site,, has been found. It portrays some of the history of Flynn's Arcade as well as a fan memoir section - Wikipedia"