Join with us at the red carpet premiere of Disney-Pixar film "UP". The premeire will be on August 14, 2009 in SM Megamall Cinema 1 at 7PM. But first you need to join in our little raffle contest.
Post a comment below and tell us what is your greatest travel adventure.
One winner will get the 2 tickets and will join us at the red carpet premiere. Also if we see lots of participants, I will add more tickets.
Entries Deadline : August 13, 2009 at 9PM
OUR winner for the online raffle is Ryan Sumo!
you have two tickets from me. Check your email for details.
his greatest travel adventure was
and for consolation prizes. To get ONE ticket
My greatest travel adventure was also my most injury laden one. On a trip to KL and Siem reap last year, I nearly lost a finger when I stretched up and promptly got hit by the ceiling fan. The tip of my left index finger was torn up pretty bad, and the skin covering the nail had been nearly shredded off. On the way down in the hotel elevator we ran into a Polish doctor (who we'd been sitting next to in the plane to KL) named Sally (he was a man) who offered to patch me up. Aissa (my girlfriend) was hesitant and suggested we go to a real clinic but when no clinic nearby was to be found we took Sally up on his offer and he patched up my finger pretty damned well. These days I can't even tell where the wound was anymore, but I'll still have that crazy story to tell the grandkids.
. for the best comment post for me is.
Like LetsGoSago, Coron Palawan din ako. Me and a couple of friends went to a resort that had a killer beach front view. Feeling a bit adventurous, we inquired about the islands overseeing South China Sea. The owner told us that a banka or kayak ride would take us no more than 15 mins to reach the 1st island and another 10 mins to reach the 2nd island. And so the next morning, we loaded up our packed lunch and got ready to hit the water. Me and my GF rode the banka while my other friends rode the banka.
We left the resort around 10am. 5 mins passed by and still, the 1st island appear to be far from near. 10 mins, I look back and we aren't even close to being half way. At this point, my arms were pretty exhausted due to the fact that I was the only one doing most of the paddling. Doubtful that we could reach the 1st island anytime soon, I started to go through our packed lunch for a quick snack. But just before I was about to eat the strip of liempo I managed to pull out, I saw a huge fin emerge from the water just a couple of feet from our boat. My heart started to pound like crazy. I didn't know what to do. Should I whisper something to my GF? Should I slowly paddle away? Should I eat the liempo strip? - I hear sharks have sensitive smell! But just as I was about to do anything, its head shows up revealing its pointed mouth and tiny eyes. It was a cute dolphin! Whew, what a huge relief! And what a magnificent creature it was!
We finally reached the shore of the 1st island, called Monkey Island, around 11am. Exhausted and sweaty, we all sat on the beach and started to prepare our lunch. Although the island didn't hold up to its name, we did catch a glimpse of a huge bayawak glaring a couple of feet from our picnic setup. I threw a slice of liempo toward its direction. It sniffed the liempo, turned its head and went on its way. I guess it didn't like liempo!
After finishing lunch, we started to head towards the 2nd island. Once again, it took us 4 times longer to get across the other island. Once we arrived on the shore, a beautiful white beach welcomed us. The island was small, about half a size of a basketball court. On one side, it was facing the resort and the other side was facing the South China Sea. We lolled around by the beach and nearby rocks that caught waves and created jacuzzi-like whirlpool. I must say that it was one of the most magnificent beach island I have ever been to. I wished we could have stayed until the sun sets because I bet it would have been a breathtaking view.
My greatest travel adventure so far happened when I was in 4th year highschool. Without me informing beforehand, my crazy research adviser forced me to go with him to Palawan to catch Palawan cobra (Naja Sumatrana sp.) for our research experiment. We visited there around last week of April, just in time for the Baragatan festival, I remembered.
It was the longest three days of my life.
It was my first time to ride a five-hour jeepney ride, and gate crash to families who could gladly accept up to be their guest (they don't speak Tagalog). Without protective wears, we trekked mountains and rainforests for hours in search for Pit vipers, and searched at Cobra habitats near the bamboo shoots in the evening. I slipped on the rocks, the trees and my backpack cushioning me, and I cried in fear then but research adviser won't mind. The next day, we traversed the mountains and we found a relatively uninhabited shoreline. We slept inside a hut that according to some natives there, was inhabited by a Tagbanua fisherfolk who was shot dead by the NPA's a day ago. It was my first time to eat a semi-raw fish. But is wasn't all misfortune. Our only neighbor then, a couple with seven kids, entertained us. One of the children was my katukayo. He gave me a bracelet made of fiber that I still treasure up to now. The shoreline is not yet discovered they said, and I hope it is still preserved. If i remember it right, they call the place Tigbinatay.
Of course we went back home getting none, which I secretly wanted. Otherwise, I will be sneaking the cobra by taping it in my tighs, covered by my pants, research adviser said. And he's serious, since we have no DENR and PAW permit along the trip. All of what transpired was undocumented in the paper. I could have filed a complaint after but I find it an exercise in futility. What hurts the most is, those species can be found, very easily, in Avilon Zoo. (I told him there are Cobras in zoos but he didn't believed me!) He's simply the craziest person I've ever encountered. Very traumatizing indeed.
and THANKS to TV5 Shake mo TV mo for the premiere tickets!