connecting at Mary Grace Cafe BHS
I’m using the Globe Tattoo Broadband internet stick ever since I got my own unit and that’s the GI JOE : Rise of the Cobra , a special edition Globe Tattoo Broadband New Skins version. Been using it for a while and tested its connectivity in all over the place in Manila. I just observed that there are some spots in Manila that has good connection, while other areas have some slow connection. But I know that the wireless broadband really depends on the area where you are staying and it's like a mobile phone that requires a good signal in some location. I used the Globe Tattoo internet stick every time my laptop needs an internet connection and I use it to check my email, post some updates in my blog, and check some updates in my Facebook. I can tell if a connection is good after viewing it’s status on the Globe Tattoo Broadband dialer program. Really helpful in connecting to the internet when you need them and its workable for me especially during the Typhoon Ondoy where there was network outage in Cavite and Pasig (a day after the flood). (read more below)
I also found out that you can change your network and the rate you pay whenever you go online. You can choose a time based browsing for P5 per 15 minutes, that’s good for surfing and downloading, or you can choose a per KB charging for 15 centavos per KB, best for quick check of your email or check for information on Google. That’s a helpful tip if you are using your own Globe sim, some sims are set on per kb default, while the new sim like the Globe Tattoo is set on time based rate. I think some users experienced this on why they are charged by per kb, try check the status of your network by texting STATUS to 1111.

And another thing I just found out is they are running a contest in designing your own skin, Check out Globe Tattoo Broadband Gallery and you will also find the mechanics there.
That’s P5,000 reward for the best skin design.
It’s kinda weird for me that I need to go back to their websites and read a lot of information about their product. It is really helpful to log in and read all FAQ and tips about the sim and the internet stick so that we can have a better way of enjoying it and I’ve learned a lot and hope this info can be shared to everyone.