Everyone got confused days ago about the news of this so called Blue Moon, everyone thought that the moon will turn color blue. I'm monitoring the news few days ago and got this photo of the Blue moon that occurred on December 31, 2009 and January 1, 2010. December 2009 and January 2010 will have 2 full moon in a month, they call it Blue Moon because it is very rare to have 2 full moon in one month. There are some explanations here in this news Celestial rarity: 2 blue moons for RP in 2010
There is a possibility that the moon can be colored blue, the case will be, if a volcanic dust covered the moon during a volcanic eruption. But to other countries, the Blue Moon is colored Orange.
I used my Olymupus E520 dslr with 40-150mm lenses.
But we have two heavenly bodies event that hour of New Year's Eve, we also have the Partial lunar eclipse of our moon, which the small shadow of the Earth will cover some parts of our moon. I was planning to have a photo of it this morning at 3am, but decided to sleep after our New Years party, there are lots of firecrackers and rocket fire crackers in our area, it's dangerous to go outside in that hour. But I'm glad that my friend Ronald Guanzon took a photo of the partial lunar eclipse event. (check the lunar photo below)
you can see on the left side the shadow part, that dark shadow is from our Earth. The sun, the Earth and the moon aligned, where the Earth is in the middle of the Sun and moon.