4 Reasons Why You Will Be Happy on April 4
1. It’s the first weekend of April! And it’s the weekend after payday! Oh yeah!
2. The carnivore in you will resurrect because the Lent is over!
3. Those who will successfully fool you on April Fool’s Day, mark this day as the Day of Vengeance.
4. If you’re one of the 25 million Globe, Tattoo and TM subscribers, you will receive a message from 4438 and it will make you happy. Trust me. (more below)
4 Important, Groundbreaking Events in History that Fell on April 4
1. On April 4, 1968, Apollo 6 was launched. Zoom!
2. On April 4, 1983, Space Shuttle Challenger made its maiden voyage!
3. On April 4, 1969, the first temporary artificial heart was implanted by Dr. Denton Cooley. Doctors save lives, indeed!
4. On April 4, 2010, 25 million Globe, Tattoo and TM subscribers will receive a “happy” message from 4438
3 More Cool Moments in History that Occurred on an April 4
1. On April 4, 1964, the Beatles held the top five positions of the Billboard Hot 100 chart. “Can’t Buy Me Love” topped the chart, followed by “Twist and Shout,” “She Loves You,” “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “Please, Please Me.”
2. On April 4, 1979, legendary Australian actor Heath Ledger was born. Rest in Peace.
3. On April 4, 2010, a text message from 4438 will make 25 million Globe, Tattoo and TM users happy.
8 Occasions to Celebrate on April 4!
1. Easter Sunday. Let’s go egg-hunting!
2. The Feast of Isidore of Seville!
3. International Day for Landmine Awareness and Assistance. Help spread the word. Help save lives.
4. Senegal’s Independence Day
5. Start of the National Week of the Ocean in the US. I think we should have the same here in the Philippines since we care about the ocean just as much.
6. In Taiwan and Hong Kong, it’s Children’s Day!
7. GameOps.net, the pioneer gaming blog in the country, will be relaunched!
8. The day 25 million Globe, Tattoo and TM subscribers will be happier than ever because of 4438.