I finished my day with the 3 meetings and the last one here is the ToyCon meeting. Our meetings and production plan got delayed after the election 2010. It's a challenge for us now to organize the event with lots of planning and never ending closure of contracts with companies and sponsors. I can see now that our old partners and sponsors are active again, but others already informed us that they won't be participating, its kinda sad that we won't have them here,but I hope they are reversing their energies for the 2011 ToyCon.
Got a tight discussion with my group and Anime Alliance Philippines for brainstorming about the cosplay contest, I formulated a new contest mechanics and this will be applied in the future of ToyCon and in preparation of something big. hey! anyone here want's to go to Japan?
more updates, more meetings and my laptop broke down already, 9th ToyCon is the most challenging event for me and glad I have a great team with me organizing this pop culture event of the year.
if you want to know about the event, then visit www.toyconph.com