on pic with travel bloggers and photog Ferdz, Gaile, Jonel and Me
Its funny that I signed up and landed as the 1st person to register online, I found my name on the top list of the registration and arrived an hour late at the workshop, the venue is at Max restaurant in Liberty Center, which I heard the ground base of meet up of Olympus camera users. I just arrived on time for Ferdz Decena's talk and after that, I met some cool people who are Olympus camera users, bloggers and photographers. I met also the supplier of the Olympus in our local stores and I'm now saving more money to buy a FL-50R flash for my Olympus E-520 DSLR.
Jay Alonzo was the last speaker and he showed to us the right way of using the ISO, white balance and the importance of practicing and understand more about exposure. Axis Global was there as host of the workshop, they also introduced to us the awesome performance of the Oympus E-PL1, I fell inlove to it and much more better than the EP-1 or EP-2, the perfect micro four third camera that works like a full DLSR with an interchangeable lens that is popularized by Olympus and Panasonic. I even toy around and tested an E-PL1 mounted with a 35-100 (70-200mm) f2 lens that is attached with a MMF-1 adapter. And the fun part is that we compared shots using E-PL1 and Panasonic Lumix GF1, and because of that test I automatically forget about GF1 for good heheehe. I also learned that GF1 and E-PL1 can share lenses, and the fun part is that a fellow photog teaches me how to set up my camera with a remote flash. Ohh I'm so excited na to have my own flash. I need to learn more and I need to attend more photography workshops.
There will be more workshop and Olympus camera users gathering in the future, the workshop is also open for non Olympus users and thanks to the Olympus E-System Philippines club for organizing this event for us. Hope to see everyone again this month.
here are some test shots using the art filter of the Olympus E-PL1 (view more below)
Pale and light, and soft focus
Pop art and pin hole
Pop art and grainy film effects
workshop speakers : Ferdz Decena and Jay Alonzo
(left) GF1 and Olympus E-PL1 (right) E-PL1
test shots and live tutorial
Gaile testing her camera unit
live view of E-PL1 and lecture slides by Jay Alonzo
Jay Alonzo on lecture, and our paper pad.
join the Facebook fanpage of Olympus E-System Philippines club
and Olympus camera club