I got a new hobby and its a two week love of doing panoramic photo and process it using softwares like Adobe Photoshop and auto stitch photo software. I'm amazed on a semi virtual view of a landscape in 180 degrees. The hobby started when I climb up on the viewing deck of SM City Baguio and loved the view of the mountain area and also the city below it. I took some photos and test shots using my Olympus E520 and it compose of 4 photos of the landscape from the left to right. I did an experiment at home stitching it and cloning the edges of the photo and connect them to produce a panoramic photo. (more below)
Although that I'm not yet happy on the result because it still looks like a 3 photo stitch, but its okay and I need to practice more, what I did is to shoot another photo set for my panoramic photo experiment, I result is quiet perfect but I need to stitch the photos more using Photoshop. Then a series of panoramic photo set was produced in different locations and setting, I even took photos of a club, restaurant, malls and outdoor alternative spaces. It's fun to make more panoramic photos with people on it, you will see a lot of story in it and you can tell what the people are doing in 180 degrees setting.
Baguio City
I'm also planning to do a 360 degrees photo stitch, and there's a software online that you can view the photos and explore around the photo using a click of a mouse, it will be fun if I do that too, but I need to practice more and do more stitching. I'm planning to do more panoramic photos and visit some historical or controversial events happening here in the metro, it will be an awesome reward and could land in a centerpage of a magazine or a book hehehe.
I find out that its difficult to do panoramic shots if the settings in the area has a low light effect, some photos will not be balanced in terms for the lighting, while other photos will be too bright or too dark, its hard to stitch it and need more cheat edits to make it more a one photo panorama. Outdoor with natural lighting is fun, because there's a natural light from the sun and stitching it is much more easy, because the light is more balanced and you can do some cheat tricks in cloning the edges.
Last night I discovered this www.autostitch.net from a friend at Facebook, and it automatically stitch the photos, the only low down is that it never produces a high quality photo, but it stitch the photo perfectly, even that it only detect 3 photos to stitch, I still use Photoshop to stitch the 4th photo with it.
below are some samples I did and its fun and I will shoot some more heheheh
at Damaso restaurant
at Casa Amas restaurant
at Contis
at Bonifacio global city
House of Glitz nail studio
Thunderbird Resorts Rizal
Jozu Kin
Heat, Edsa Shangri La hotel
Focaccia restaurant
Focaccia restaurant
and heres a clean stitch using www.autostitch.net
you can also check some high resolution of these panoramic photo experiment in mt Flickr photo set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/popazrael/sets/72157625149734492/
but the most awesome and astig panoramic er....virtual photo view ever is at Fung Yu's blog - check his post about the Aquino-Binay Inaugurals last June 30, 2010.
you'll see a super 360 degrees virtual view and its done using only photos
check also the preparation of the Quirino Grandstand a few days earlier under ABS-CBNnews.com:
and story at http://blogs.inquirer.net/talesofthenomad/2010/07/02/the-inaugurals/
i just tried this Photo Merge tool in Photoshop and it stitched the photos so perfectly. read it here at http://www.digital-photography-school.com/creating-a-panorama-with-photoshop-and-photomerge to know more on how to use photoshop in auto merging the photos.