I finally got the Transformers: War for Cybertron software game for the PS3 here at home and I'm so happy that I can play games again at home even that I am busy with lots of things and I still got the time to play and give a little schedule for video games. As a Transformers fan, and a follower of the cartoon, toy and movies, It's new for me to try their video games, and this War for Cybertron is very special and more different from the movie adaptation video game version, I still want to play the movie version games but War for Cybertron tickled me and its a must try for TF fans. I just borrowed this game at Game Hopper and tried their home delivery service and glad that they deliver outside Manila since last October. I borrowed this game and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. (more below)
I first tried this game on a Nintendo Wii, but the game play and controls are much different and the PS3 is much more advance and requires a lot of button power in playing the game. I got dizzy and didn't know what button to push and maneuver Optimus around the war ground of Cybertron, but thats a little problem that I encountered, and after the 3rd time I played it, I can now battle head to head to any Decepticon characters and roll out around the terrain of Cybertron.
I play the campaign game, and this is a mission game, and you have to choose which side you are, Autobot or Decepticons. Each faction will start on different stages and level, depending on the story mode.
If you choose Optimus in the game, you will start a mission with Bumble Bee and Ratchet, there is a story to tell and its very interesting to know that Optimus here is not yet the leader of the Autobots, he carried out the mission as Bumble Bee delivers a message from their leader Zeta Prime (who was killed in the war) to Optimus to carry out a mission to defeat Megatron and save their planet Cybertron. I like the Optimus here because of the features of a bad ass character and with lots of attitude. Through out the game, I first encountered this big boss in one of the levels - a Decepticon war drill, it harvest and releases Dark Energon around Cyberton. You have to shoot the legs and later on the head to dismantle the machine in drilling the heart of Cybertron.
Here's one bad ass villain that I encounter, its a super villain in the game but its funny that his character do nothing but hides behind an electro magnetic force field and releases Frenzy, Rumble and Laserbeak to do the nasty stuff to your Autobot players.
Brute is a powerhouse villain in some stages, one of the minions and its hard to beat this robot. All armored and armed with a big mallet and shield, you need to go to its back and hit it hard with everything you got. I hate this character because it took some of my time and stayed long in defeating this.
Transformers: War for Cybertron requires a lot of skills and gaming techniques, but the story revolves about the war is good, I like how they tell the story and introduction of each characters. I like the concept that other characters will join you on a quest and love to see Omega Supreme in action by your side.
I'm going to play more and hey! I didn't research on the net on how to play this game or get info on how to defeat enemy robots.
pics lifted form Ryan Paul Thompson's Flickr