I just tried this new drink, Oishi Smart C+ and, at first I thought that it's just another form of energy drink. But when I drank it and tasted it, I was not satisfied on my first taste, because the juice drink is not the kind of drink that I'm expecting. It tasted different from sweet and ultra flavorful thirst quenchers. After drinking more of it, I realized that this is not just an ordinary juice drink, but it was good for hydration that will give you extra energy. This drink contains Vitamins C, it helps our body to recover when it gets tired, making it produce more collagen, a protein that every single body cell needs. So, I tested it for myself and I'm now satisfied and happy on the results.
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Oishi Smart C+ has no preservatives, no artificial sweeteners and no artificial flavor, that might explain why the juice drink is not that sweet and it is very light in your throat when drank. I encounter lots of juice drink that are sweet and it is heavy in the throat, maybe because of the preservatives and artificial flavor, but I find Oishi Smart C+ different from them, and I recommend that you try drinking it and not as "panulak" in your food, but drink it if you are tired or need a little boost during the long busy day of your work.
I drink it whenever I arrive home and finish one bottle during my blogging chores, and I also brought one bottle during our Luneta trip and it helped my body to boost up after that long walk under the hot sun. I consider Smart C+ as an energy reserve for my body, and I will carry a bottle whenever I'm going to travel.
They have 3 kinds of flavors, - Lemon Squeeze, Orange Crush and Pomelo Grapefruit. I tried the orange flavor first, I like the taste and lightness of it, but I'm more heavy on sweet drinks that's why I go for the Pomelo Grapefruit drink. The Pomelo Grapefruit's taste is okay, unlike other Pomelo flavored drinks that are sweet and also it might remind you of a punched juice drink.
more details on their site at www.keepupwithsmartc.com
FB page http://www.facebook.com/oishi.smartc
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