I love photography since I was a kid and to start with the serious side in taking pics and be the commander of the camera at home, that was around the eyear of 1980’s. I just don’t know why I love being the man holding the camera and operating it for the family. All I can remember is that I understand on how to use it and get the right timing in clicking the shutter button. I don’t have any memories of old cameras that we used, but I can remember the time when my mom and dad bought a cool camera for us and it’s a start for me to get serious in taking photography. Read my full story below
My Dad brother and my son – through the years in photos
Okay! It’s not photography… I didn’t even know what photography or the art of it back then, but I know that I enjoy taking awesome moments of my family in photos and we enjoy developing photos almost every week and compile it in a big photo album. Yeah!! we are a big fans of photos and storing all funny and adventure of our life when we travel is always our biggest hobbies. My dad supplies me budget to buy films, then also my mom help me develop those films, then my mom buys big photo albums and she’s the one taking the job to sort all photos and compile it and labels it.
We use photos in connecting to people, its like communicating to others to tell our story and share our life with them. With these photos, people can no longer miss some important events that happened to us, like if ever they miss my birthday party, we can go back and tell the story with the photos we have on hand, or if we want to know what’s happening with my relatives in California, we can just wait and see photos from our snail mail box coming from them in the USA, and see how great they are living there. Developing photos from film to photo paper will take an hour, and its like waiting for child to come out from birth and pray that the child is ok and healthy, just like in films, I always pray that the film is not damaged, expose and I hope all shots are not blurry or out of focus. Communicating via photos or picture is a big help from us and when technology upgraded, we still enjoy taking photos and now having a new camera with digital features makes photography much more easier.
Minolta Hi-Matic is the only camera that I can remember that we used, we also used other camera brands, but this one really sticks to my memory and its the last analog camera that we used for the entire family. After years of using it, the camera raises its flag and retires, It was a heart ache for me when it broke down, then I went video gaming and forget about photography.
When technology started to upgrades and the access of acquiring a new and improved camera is easy in the years of 2000, I started to go back in taking photos and since the internet is already present and adding photos to my content in my blog or website is very important. I don’t have a budget to buy digital camera on that year, because digital cameras are so expensive in the year 2000 and you can see that they have a not-so ok resolution if you want to compare to cameras today. So below are my cameras when I started into digital photography.
Concord Camera Eye-Q 3042AF
Olympus Camedia D-545 Zoom
Olympus SP500uz
Olympus E-520 DSLR
Taking photos today are much easier and still a good way of documenting everything thats happening everyday in our life, I love to publish photos in my blog in a way of communicating and also connecting to my blog readers, friends and family. With the help of social networking sites like Facebook and Multiply, the sharing of memories and awesome moments never stops there. That’s why I love taking photos and getting serious in photography is a big challenge and I love being a photographer for everyone.
Here’s my baby boy Ashton, will become a future photographer like me!
(photo taken using Olympus E-520)
And he will be the future owner of this Fisher Price Kid-Tough™ Digital Camera. I saw this in a catalog in Toy Kingdom and its price at P5k
Do you have any #NoonNgayon story that you want to share?
I invite you to write and blog your own #NoonNgayon story about how the then and now of technology revolves around in your life. Feel free to post it in your blog and if you have one, pls share it here by posting a comment..