August 19, 2011 was marked as the World Photography Day and now it becomes a global online celebration were people go to this website: and upload their photo to commemorate the glory of the invention of photography and the date that it goes public and declared that it is a free gift for the world after it was invented.
Last year, I joined the site and uploaded my own entry for the year 2010 World Photography Day, you can view my entry here at and there's a direct link going to my gallery in the site.
This year, I joined again and got the idea to have the same subject, my son Ashton, so that I can see how Ash grows up every year, it will be a great one year experiment and as my contribution for the World Photography Day.
here's my entry
you can view my entry in the site at
I'm inviting everyone to join with us in celebrating this global online event. The website is open for registration and upload of photos from August 19-27, 2011 only.
Ok, now my next mission is to submit an entry for Worldwide Moment 2011 on 11-11-11 at 11:11am