I'm stuck at home for almost 4 days and busy fixing my laptop, my hands are starting to get itchy and wants to go out and take photos again, I can still feel the heart break and can't set my mind in order because of that massive data loss last week, my hard work in photography and media materials were gone in just a flash, I need to move on, so I grabbed my Olympus E-520 DSLR camera and went out yesterday and followed my wife, son and Ate M on the road to a mini grocery store and check if they have Magnum ice cream bar on stock.

spotted Kuya B and his son Kyle

pet cat Pute just finished sun bathing......she's resting after a day of hunting in a grassy lot

Baby Ash is on the roll

Saw our neighbor grandma teaching his grand son to ride a bicycle

plane! plane! plane! - Baby Ash always shout whenever he see planes in the sky


caged :(
our neighbor owns this dog

traffic inside the village

PAL passes by



no Magnum.....so we bought Cornetto

another plane

a different plane flies on top of us